Example sentences of "[conj] the right to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For these reasons , it is possible to hope that the House of Lords might , if called upon to do so , reconsider the decision in a way that makes it plain that the right to freedom of speech in public is not wholly dependent upon the discretion of the policeman on the spot — important though that will undoubtedly always be — but is guided by rules and principles that recognise , inter alia the importance of freedom of speech in public , and the fact that the person interfered with was going about his otherwise lawful business .
2 Parliament can not have intended that the right to compensation should turn on fine legal distinctions between an assignee 's rights to a deposit under an absolute assignment and a beneficiary 's rights under a declaration of trust .
3 The hon. Gentleman is absolutely right to say that the right to life and to not being molested or attacked is fundamental .
4 Mr. Gardiner relied on this case as demonstrating that it was considered self-evident that the right to recovery arose directly from the unlawful exaction irrespective of whether any element of compulsion existed .
5 dissenting ) [ 1991 ] 3 W.L.R. 790 allowing an appeal by the respondent , the Woolwich Equitable Building Society ( now the Woolwich Building Society ) , from the decision of Nolan J. [ 1989 ] 1 W.L.R. 137 that the right to repayment to them by the revenue of sums of £42,426,421 , £2,856,821 and £11,714,969 paid by Woolwich pursuant to a demand by the revenue under the Income Tax ( Building Societies ) Regulations 1986 , which were subsequently held to have been ultra vires , arose only at the moment of the decision as to the invalidity of the Regulations and not from the time that the payments were made .
6 The State Council had released an 87-page White Paper on human rights on Oct. 31 which said that the right to subsistence was the " foremost human right " .
7 Many of the cases involve compassionate assistance , of the kind which may be necessary and justifiable if the right to self-determination is to have any meaning for those who are weak or bedridden ( e.g. responding to a request to bring pills ) , but not all are like this .
8 By then , Charisma , and the rights to Malcolm McLaren , had been sold to another British record company .
9 According to the briefing the main areas of broad agreement , as specified by the evolving joint US-Soviet draft treaty texts , were : ( i ) a 1,600 numerical ceiling on the total number of " strategic nuclear delivery vehicles ' ( SNDVs ) , comprising intercontinental ballistic missiles ( ICBMs ) , submarine-launched ballistic missiles ( SLBMs ) and heavy bomber aircraft ; ( ii ) a 6,000-warhead overall ceiling ; ( iii ) a set of basic verification procedures including exchange of data , on-site inspection and ongoing monitoring of agreed reductions and the right to inspections at short notice of a variety of specified sites ; ( iv ) the provision of advance notification of one major strategic exercise involving heavy bombers per calendar year ; ( v ) the permitting of mobile ICBM deployment , contingent upon US congressional funding of the MX ( rail-based ) and/or the Midgetman ( road-based ) systems ( as announced in Wyoming , USA , in September 1989-see p. 36909 ) , with sub-limits to be agreed ; and ( vi ) the de-linking of completion and implementation of a START treaty from a " Space and Defence " agreement , implying an end ( conditionally for the Soviet Union ) to a commitment by the two sides not to withdraw from the ( 1972 ) Anti-Ballistic Missile ( ABM ) treaty ( an agreement also reached in Wyoming-ibid . ) .
10 Secondly , a covenant simply to pay a sum of money , whether by way of insurance premium , compensation or damages , is a covenant capable of touching and concerning the land provided that the existence of the covenant , and the right to payment thereunder , affects the value of the land in whomsoever it is vested for the time being …
11 It is tragic that any Government should , with such equanimity , be prepared to take away the rights of working people and the right to peace of mind for which they have paid over the years .
12 Most western democracies have laws which offer a better balance between freedom of expression and the right to reputation . ’
13 Two essential freedoms — the right to communicate and the right to reputation — must in some way be reconciled by law .
14 We have considerable rights , of inspection , search , discussion , and the right to documents .
15 Hallett J. explained in Dennant v. Skinner , ‘ the passing of property and the right to possession are two different things .
16 These constitutional provisions had previously been called into question during a highly controversial case in February 1992 when the High Court in Dublin prevented a 14-year-old girl and her family from procuring an abortion or from leaving Ireland for nine months , even though she had repeatedly threatened to commit suicide ; the order preventing her from leaving the country was subsequently lifted after an appeal based on recognition of the equal rights of mother and child and the right to freedom of movement within the EC [ see p. 38780 ] .
17 Life is more precious than profits , and the right to life is the most precious of all rights .
18 He fought for the introduction of a free press , the right of everyone to travel freely , a sound convertible currency and the right to existence of a Polish opposition .
19 These fundamental terms of the ‘ social contract ’ ensure the freedom to choose a way of life by providing such constitutional guarantees as freedom of the person , freedom of speech and the right to privacy .
20 THE GREAT modern , moral questions of the right to life and the right to death will dominate what may be a landmark session of the US Supreme Court which begins this week .
21 Repeated UNLU communiqués called for recognition of the PLO , the refugees ' right of return , and the right to self-determination and the establishment of a Palestinian state .
22 We are more conscious than ever of the need to take positive steps to promote the full access of girls and women not only to full educational opportunities but also to the whole range of community resources and services , including employment , leisure , housing , social security and the right to property .
23 Employees will have new rights to be consulted and informed about decisions which affect them , as well as the right to union membership and representation .
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