Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun sg] wait for " in BNC.

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1 Cairo is now being described as the next major release of NT , and may well be the release that the market waits for before deciding to commit to NT .
2 Cairo is now being described as the next major release of NT , and may well be the release that the market waits for before deciding to commit to NT .
3 I have the husband and the child waiting for lunch . ’
4 British Telecom profits doubled in one year and the public waited for increases in telephone charges , the the usual consequence .
5 She was floating along the aisle of a dimly lit church , the only reality the beautiful white dress she was wearing and the man waiting for her at the altar , and even he was shrouded in a mist , preventing her from seeing his face .
6 His sabotage had opened all the doors around the ship , and the ramp waited for him invitingly .
7 He went back to the tray where the soup and the whisky waited for his comfort .
8 Finlayson found Major Gibbs and the adjutant waiting for him .
9 On 6 May 1628 he was the first to propose proceeding through the Petition of Right , although he did not use the phrase , and the House waited for word from Coke before acting .
10 Ward began to explain , about Iris Sunderby and the boat waiting for us in Punta Arenas .
11 The barn is a large one and several clippings could be stored while the farmer waited for acceptable prices for his fleeces .
12 While the coach waits for a satisfactory fitness test , Steadman , already out of tomorrow 's game with Wakefield , said : ‘ I hope to be ready for a reserve game on Saturday or possibly Monday 's game at Hull but I am confident I will be fit before Wembley .
13 However , it is not difficult to demand a speed of calculation beyond the performance of currently available microcomputers and teaching programs can easily provoke awkward pauses while the class waits for a calculation to be completed .
14 A tense 40 minutes followed as the gang waited for the arrival of a security van , loaded with double Christmas wages for local firms in Blackley , Manchester .
15 It is a matter of dispute how they parted ; friends of Hayward suggest that Eliot left Carlyle Mansions on the morning of the marriage , leaving only a note of explanation behind — or , even , that he told Hayward as the taxi waited for him in the street below .
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