Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] himself [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He could win his place back or put himself on the market . ’
2 Each story contains a different claim by Jesus that set himself against the religious leaders and pointed to the new way of Christianity :
3 In Wrexham grandfather had been an active Gladstonian Liberal , and concerned himself with the temperance movement and local government .
4 ‘ Piano , Aaron , piano ! ’ she called , and her middle stepson , with his mobile thin white clown 's face , emerged from the crowd and seated himself at the instrument , as Liz called to Deirdre and the butlers to fill glasses and then join the guests for a toast : Jonathan turned on the radio , the eagle-crowned clock over the marble mantelshelf struck , some joined hands and some did not , Aaron struck up Auld Lang Syne , Big Ben struck , some sang and some did not , voices rose straggling , pure and impure , strong and weak , tuneful and tuneless , there were cries and embraces .
5 He laid the picture down and seated himself before the table .
6 He sighed and lowered himself to the other end of the settee .
7 He gave support to William Wallace in his fight for Scottish independence but deserted him and aligned himself with the English King Edward I who was trying to dominate Scotland .
8 He summoned all the archbishops and bishops who were with him in Sicily and flung himself to the ground at their feet .
9 Sweating with fear , Lepine dashed along the verandah and flung himself behind the wheel of the Citron .
10 When such a man came down from Olympus and applied himself to the problems of Africa , his voice was heard .
11 When Knox became a fellow of King 's in 1909 he inherited the then deceased Headlam 's work on Herodas and applied himself to the fragmentary texts of the Herodas papyri in the British Museum .
12 He turned the corner , and found himself at the front of the house , which had a mountingblock , well chalked .
13 The next he had been jerked fully awake and found himself at the centre of a circle of strange , hostile creatures , the like of which he had never seen in his life .
14 She thought again of the clever pastry-cook who baked her man to her liking , and of La Carmellina , who lost her true love when he climbed a cherry tree into the clouds and found himself in the lair of the sorceress Zenaida — Zenaida , who had been robbed of sleep by the curse of another fairy , and had stolen Carmellina 's love away and changed him into a songbird .
15 During this period he was active in public service in Wales , and devoted himself to the development of scouting , and became a friend of Sir Robert Baden-Powell , the founder of the Boy Scout movement .
16 As he reached the parked sports car he went into a rolling dive , still clutching his leg , and bounced himself off the bonnet and over the other side .
17 Uncle Philip broke the armour off a pink battalion of shrimps and ate them steadily , chewed through a loaf of bread spread with half a pound of butter and helped himself to the lion 's share of the cake while gazing at her with expressionless satisfaction , apparently deriving a certain pleasure from her discomfort , or even finding that the sight of it improved his appetite .
18 He sat down and helped himself from the coffee-pot on the table , then refilled Lucy 's cup as well .
19 He walked round the back of the car and busied himself with the boot .
20 Beesley , adept in any emergency , counterfeited the pass required to let him board the facsimile Titanic , dressed himself in period costume ( can echoes prove the truth of the thing being echoed ? ) and installed himself among the extras .
21 But it should be remembered that his was an extremely impassioned and subjective response of a man who had fought in Spain , toured some of the depressed North and committed himself to the increasing intellectual and left-wing policies of the Independent Labour Party .
22 He removed his jacket , trousers , shirt , tie and underclothes and studied himself in the mirror .
23 He straightened his tie and steeled himself for the meeting .
24 ‘ When the State usurps the functions of the family ’ … and consoled himself with the thought that he never pontificated unless he was drunk .
25 This network of friendship and patronage became one of the less objectionable instruments of nineteenth-century electoral corruption and the instrument with which the small man met and defended himself against the state .
26 For all his wayward impulses and the much documented erraticism of his '80s career , this contradictory figure has — through cunning , imagination and sheer force of will — constantly reassessed and reasserted himself as the most focused member of the old guard .
27 Tesselmann grabbed at the handle of the freight car and hauled himself off the ground , his legs swinging precariously in the air as he tried to clasp his other hand around the handle .
28 He and Mr Fletcher sat at the table and Willie took one of the mugs and perched himself on the stool in front of the range .
29 He nodded , smiling thinly , and fanned himself with the now redundant carpet-beater .
30 Hector , distressed , gave a whimper and hid himself in the skirts of his chosen protectress .
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