Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [prep] the room " in BNC.

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1 She recorded everything that passed in the room , but she cared for only one person .
2 The Luggage came ambling down one of the other passages that radiated from the room .
3 The noises that came from the rooms on either side seemed like the sound-track of a film that everyone in the hotel was playing , a film in which various people were constantly ambushed , or tortured , or — in joy — found God .
4 Their fragrance mingled with the faint smell of wood smoke that lingered in the room and the rector thought , yet again , how warm and full of life this small room was .
5 The slap landed against the side of his head with a crack that echoed around the room .
6 She screamed , but it had little effect , just added to the confusion that reigned in the room .
7 Light splayed from his glasses as he looked up , glasses that brought into the room high-scudding clouds and an airy scrawl of branches .
8 He noticed everything , from the good but worn carpets to the books that abounded in the room .
9 She rose and stalked across the room , snatched her brush from the vanity table and dragged it through her hair with harsh , angry strokes .
10 After tossing restlessly for more than an hour , Fran got up and crept from the room and down the stairs , hoping that a cup of tea would soothe her nerves .
11 He leapt to his feet and sprinted across the room .
12 He got up and moved about the room , picking up ornaments and moving restlessly from one side to the other .
13 He sighed and moved into the room .
14 Marc had finished his rearrangement of the videos and moved across the room just as she herself moved forward .
15 She climbed the stairs and peered into the room she had chosen for Rodney and herself .
16 A peculiar head slowly rose from the hole and peered into the room with patient animal scrutiny .
17 He put them on , and peered round the room , hunching his shoulders , shamming the old scholar .
18 But the sound she now made in her throat brought both Aggie and Ben 's eyes on her , and as she turned and fled from the room and Ben made to go after her , Aggie 's voice halted him , saying firmly , ‘ Leave her be !
19 He pocketed his winnings and wandered across the room towards Lorton .
20 He got up and wandered round the room .
21 He pushed his chair back and wandered around the room .
22 She took the lift up to the sixth floor and came to the room one O nine , which was her room , as she entered she noticed cobwebs and dampness on the walls , she flung her bed , bags on the bed and went downstairs to supper , after her supper she went to report , she went to the reception desk to report the cobwebs and dampness , she rang the bell a few times but no one answered , she was just about to go back to her room when she heard Mr Sandy the receptionist in the back room talking to her assistant , I put the body in Miss Hall 's wardrobe , Jane ran upstairs and sure enough there was a body , Jane rang the police then straight away , please could you come to the Riverside Hotel , there 's something I think you should see , there was a knock at the door and Mr Sandy answered it , hello , oh hello we 've just had phone call from here , are you sure this is the right hotel ?
23 Cora-Beth turned and came across the room to plant an affectionate kiss on her father 's head .
24 But he stopped what he was doing and came into the room .
25 In the small hours he awoke , feeling ravenous ; he slipped quietly from the bed , — trying not to awaken her , and tiptoed from the room .
26 Harry folded his arms , smiled as if he knew better and strolled about the room .
27 She put her bike away and sauntered into the room .
28 Joseph tugged at his brother 's sleeve suddenly and nodded across the room .
29 Paul Devraux paused and nodded across the room .
30 ‘ I did n't mean that , ’ she mumbled and raced from the room .
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