Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] offered him [art] " in BNC.

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1 One paper , on the causes of climatic changes during geological history , caught the attention of geologists and Geikie offered him the post as manager of the new office in Edinburgh .
2 It was alleged the boy had missed his bus and Smith offered him a lift home .
3 If Henry offered him a drink , Donald would compress his lips , lower his eyes , as if in the middle of a difficult diagnosis , and nod , slowly , responsibly , like a man burdened with some ghastly secret about the state of Henry ’ s insides .
4 When Madeleine offered him a cigarette , he hesitated , then took one .
5 He had been working at the Council depot as an attendant when Joe offered him the job , and he had been very pleased to make the change .
6 Tyndale was nervous , and , when Vaughan offered him the King 's promise of safety if he returned to England , he expressed his fear that the promise might be broken on the persuasion of the clergy , who would affirm that promises made with heretics need not be kept .
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