Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] tried [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Although O'Neill tried to present the case as one of the law simply taking its natural course to deal with illegal disorder , the Free Presbyterians saw it as a deliberate attempt to use the apparatus of the state to suppress true Bible Protestantism .
2 Anne and Sarah tried to keep the peace but Miss Meers was a slave driver , and would never allow them to stand still for a moment .
3 Burstead 's openers put on 50 and Johnson tried to up the tempo in mid-innings , but Lightfoot , with 4 for 30 , took out the tail .
4 One effect of the increasing difficulties with both papal and civil opposition was that Frederick and Rainald tried to draw the English King Henry II into imperial politics .
5 Joyce described the scene as he and Mosley tried to leave the pavilion :
6 Cronje and Rhodes tried to rectify the situation , but both were eventually run out , Rhodes after top-scoring with 45 from 72 balls .
7 As Phil loaded his syringe and Ricky tried to calm the terrified pony , whose eyes were quite glazed now , they heard frantic barking outside .
8 Although the army now had its largest-ever establishment of 85,000 men the great majority were serving overseas , but Pitt tried to offset the shortage of troops by increasing their mobility .
9 The next few hours were spent in a daze while Lucy tried to disentangle the confusion in her bewildered mind .
10 They ended up laughing about that , but it was the uneasy laughter of desperation and displacement , and all they could do after that was finish the whisky and have the joint Rory had been working on , and it was almost a relief when Fergus was sick as a dog out of the window , hanging out barfing onto the slates and into the guttering while Rory tried to clean the plaster off the top bunk and stowed the guns out of harm 's way .
11 While Greenpeace tried to save the whales , Timberlake would have raised a ‘ Save the Whalers ’ banner — and then made most of the same points about protecting whale stocks and keeping the oceans clean .
12 The airline 's purchase of a 30% stake and management control of Aerolineas Argentinas and its domestic-airline subsidiary , Austral , was plagued by disagreements with local investors and by strikes when Iberia tried to trim the group 's bloated labour force .
13 As Gower tried to bury the misery of rejection in the preparations for his wedding to Thorrun Nash in Winchester Cathedral in a fortnight , he admitted : ‘ My words have come back to haunt me . ’
14 When Nintendo tried to buy the Seattle Mariners baseball team a huge row broke out over possible Japanese ownership .
15 As Bernice tried to read the next line , Ell moved forward and stamped on the creature .
16 Full-back Jordan made a try saving tackle as Stortford tried to exploit the disruption to the Ipswich back division .
17 As a result , almost as soon as Israel tried to suppress the Uprising with curfews , blockades and violent policing , the community organized itself along the lines the popular movement had already prescribed .
18 But when Trevor tried to contact the pop star 's offices his appeals were in vain .
19 The second half was only six minutes old as Fairmile 's Kevin Shepherd 's close range snapshot sent Milton 's goalkeeper Paul Whittington diving to his left save , and one minute later Clive Minor 's shot was kicked off the line by Milton 's Paul Storey , as Fairmile tried to reduce the deficit .
20 This time , the electrical system was dead when Lammers tried to restart the engine .
21 When Christian tried to interrupt the angry outburst , Boz waved him into silence .
22 Themistokles , as well as Kimon , perceived the political value of a friendly or at least neutral Delphi : in about 478 , when Sparta tried to expel the medising majority from the Delphic Amphictyony ( the federal organization which decided the sanctuary 's affairs ) , it was Themistokles who opposed them , arguing that to get rid of the medisers would make the Amphictyony unrepresentative of Greece : more bluntly , it would make a present of Delphi to Sparta ( Plut .
23 As Mosley tried to make the presence of the BUF felt in 1934 , so popular opposition to the growth of fascism increased .
24 When Thomas tried to grab the child away , the lash caught him in the eye .
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