Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] himself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I caught up with Dr Mawhinney at Deacon 's School , a local comprehensive , where he subjected himself to 45 minutes of questioning from 60 youngsters as part of an in-school mock election .
2 There is a delightful passage where he addresses himself to the role of dreams and faces out the difficulty inherent in medieval lore which others like Chaucer resolve through ambiguity : namely , that in a situation where some dreams were held to reveal truth and others to be the products of a disordered digestive system , it is difficult to distinguish true from false .
3 Six years on , the family moved to Ugthorpe Lodge on the Whitby moors , a hotel with caravan site and smallholding where Mr Chance also had stables and where he involved himself with the Goathland Pony Club .
4 Although he endeared himself to Arsenal 's North bank and played impressively enough on the outskirts of the box to sustain his reputation for skilful adventure , he rarely found the net at Highbury and began to look like over-paid hype to the footballing public .
5 Although he describes himself as a ‘ a damn uneducated mountain fella ’ , he managed to convert a 1500 dollar bank loan into a 100 million dollar fortune in less than 20 years .
6 Although he describes himself as a simple Buddhist monk , he has become an international figure , touring the world to give talks and also meeting many world leaders , dignitaries and religious figures .
7 Although he promotes himself as a friend of John Major , the Conservative Party has for some inexplicable reason been unable to find him a job in the Government where his extensive talents could be stretched .
8 Although he distinguished himself in action , Hodgskin found naval discipline irksome and his comrades ' company desultory .
9 Although he distanced himself from this view prior to the election , he campaigned strongly on the promise to " return safe and clean streets " .
10 Immediately he threw himself into the organization of a monster Albert Hall rally to welcome the Revolution .
11 When the meter man came for the last time he spoke of my aunt , and of the many years he had been to the house , so that he felt himself to be almost an old friend .
12 In the late 1850s Stringfellow took up the new art of photography , becoming so proficient that he advertised himself as a professional portrait photographer , with a studio in the High Street of Chard .
13 The Shah shared much of Behbehanians suspicion of the British , But now in Aswan , he did not seem to be greatly in favour of Behbehanians suggestion that he throw himself in their mercy .
14 Paros had been a failure ; but Miltiades ' son Kimon pursued a similar line in the 470s and 460s , showing that he saw himself as the heir to his father 's policies as well as his debts ( for which see Plut .
15 He said that he saw himself as a ‘ medium , not a message ’ .
16 Innocent had not controlled French aspirations but he had made it clear that he saw himself as the arbiter of Europe and John 's cession of his kingdom in 1213 considerably strengthened the pope 's hand .
17 The relative speed with which emancipation came about after he ascended the throne gives the impression that he addressed himself to it with enthusiasm , but even in Russian politics six years was a long time .
18 I believe that he committed himself to assuring that he would never be party to such a thing again if he could prevent it .
19 His dedication to the task of reforming Japan meant that he committed himself to policies of fundamental reform and governmental intervention through the office of Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers , Japan ( SCAP ) , which he would have condemned in other contexts .
20 I am sorry , but the Prime Minister — I am sure without any intention — is not right about the way that he expressed himself on that point .
21 It was in 1978 that he overreached himself with a little plan to sell illicit diamonds bought by his askaris from a diamond dealer in Lesotho .
22 His , though , is a concern with modern city life rather than with the truly rural , and it is in the sheer acreage of glass in the walls of the towering skyscraper blocks that he devotes himself to a series of studies on the diagonal .
23 Later he became less abusive and rather pathetically said that he kept himself to himself , that the girl was not roaming the streets getting into trouble like the girls who went to school , that company now would be cruel and shameful to an old man who had provided her with a home , protected her and looked after her in every way .
24 It was to the former that he believed himself to be responding .
25 The discovery that he was still here , that his heart had found time , in that sinister cell he inhabited , to entrench itself in the obsessions of his lifetime , and that he believed himself to be in contact with the ghost of the dead king , were complications Huy could have done without .
26 Recording a verdict that he killed himself by an overdose Liverpool coroner Roy Barter said : ‘ He had been complaining of anxiety and obviously felt vulnerable before Christmas . ’
27 He makes it repeatedly clear that he addresses himself to the Greeks who have little knowledge of Roman institutions ; but on the other hand he refers to Roman readers ( 6.5 1 .3–8 ) and is quite obviously looking at them over his shoulder .
28 The fact that Mr Lee can climb up to E1 suggests that he pushed himself into difficulties , in a scenario which must be familiar to most climbers or mountaineers .
29 He did n't believe it up to the moment that he found himself outside a half-house that had once been graced by a classical loggia .
30 It was not until he had accepted and had received travel instructions that he found himself at Bletchley Park as part of the Enigma team reading German cypher traffic .
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