Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] a given [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And that is why you have to ensure that whatever elements you put in initial-clause position in your target text or in a given part of your target text add up to something that can be understood as a method of development and that can provide a point of orientation for that part of the text .
2 Are you saying then that when one 's lapsed for six months or over a given period of time we should actually go out there and remove the signs
3 These findings are also in line with figures produced by the Justices ' Clerks ' Society ( 1992 ) which we cited earlier , suggesting that for a given range of offence types , Crown Courts are very much more likely to resort to custody than magistrates courts , and to do so for longer .
4 What would be the chances of arriving at the principle of a constant coefficient of expansion in metals ( the notion that for a given metal there is a fixed relationship between amount of change of temperature and amount of change of length ) if the only data to hand concerning temperature and length were estimates based on unaided touch and sight ?
5 Note that for a given level of income , the transactions demand for money would rise if more households were paid fortnightly or monthly rather than weekly .
6 Comparison of the second equation of the pair ( 10.8 ) with the second equation of the pair ( 10.12 ) immediately reveals that for a given network Also , elimination of between equations ( 10.12 ) and comparison of the resulting equation with the first equation of the pair ( 10.8 ) establishes that for a given network It is a matter of simple algebraic manipulation to show that the inverse relations to equations ( 10.13 ) and ( 10.14 ) are ; ;
7 Comparison of the second equation of the pair ( 10.8 ) with the second equation of the pair ( 10.12 ) immediately reveals that for a given network Also , elimination of between equations ( 10.12 ) and comparison of the resulting equation with the first equation of the pair ( 10.8 ) establishes that for a given network It is a matter of simple algebraic manipulation to show that the inverse relations to equations ( 10.13 ) and ( 10.14 ) are ; ;
8 As an example , suppose that during a given time period , the number of transactions ( T ) is 1,000 and that the average price of these transactions ( P ) is £5 , then it follows that the value of what is sold ( PT ) is £5,000 .
9 Inspection of graph ( b ) shows that with a given money supply of £50 million , equilibrium is achieved when the transactions demand is equal to £30 million .
10 This means that with a given rate of profit margin and a given rate of unproductive consumption of surplus-value , there is determined the rate of accumulation in Dept .
11 Although in a given society there will be similar frames of reference about general things , acquired from initiation into a common culture , there are always differences between people because experiences are personal and largely unique .
12 They felt , that is to say , that within a given territory , there should be one authority with an ultimate monopoly of coercive power .
13 First , even though different people differ in their conception of the good , it does not follow that in a given culture ( and Rawls ' theory claims validity only within our culture ) there are no common elements in their varying conceptions of the good .
14 Because older people often relate events to " When I was six " rather than to a given date , there is a need to build up a framework of background dates and information ( a time-line ) about the person interviewed and his family , and the places he or she has lived in .
15 In some cases a carefully monitored rolling programme ensured that over a given period of time , say a week or a fortnight , the teacher engaged directly with every child in every area of the curriculum ; but in other cases the inequality of investment was not adjusted in this way , and the result was the persistent neglect of certain children and certain areas of the curriculum .
16 The narrowness of the region , and its variable position from one eclipse to the next , means that at a given point on the Earth 's surface total solar eclipses are rare .
17 No prizes can be offered for pointing out that at a given moment there are artists of several generations working and in very different ways .
18 I ; and with a given production function the rate of growth in that department is also determined .
19 The products of the number of papers in a given subject field and from a given country , and the mean citation rate calculated for each journal are summed by journal and compared with the observed citation rate .
20 That is , each of the samples should be a random representative sample of the whole user population in a specific geographical location and in a given time period .
21 A movement exercise — moving round the room without bumping into one another — and at a given signal everyone freezes .
22 Then , as if at a given signal , they all take flight and head across the voe to their roosting places in the sea caves , where they spend the night , dry if not very warm !
23 For example , the real spending of a department or service might be the same under whatever system of accounting is adopted but in a given year , using cash accounting , the cash payments could be postponed by as little as 24 hours so that the accounts record a lower figure .
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