Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] the purpose [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They were : ( a ) murders in the course or furtherance of theft , ( b ) murders by shooting or causing an explosion , ( c ) murders in the course or for the purpose of resisting lawful arrest or of escaping from legal custody , ( d ) murders of police officers in the execution of their duty and persons assisting them , and ( e ) murders by prisoners of prison officers in the execution of their duty and persons assisting them .
2 ( ‘ Wickes ’ ) , until trial from using any premises in the Kirklees area as a retail do-it-yourself centre or for the purpose of any other retail trade or business on Sundays , except for the purpose of carrying out transactions excepted under the Act of 1950 .
3 ( c ) is travelling against the advice of a qualified medical practitioner or for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment .
4 In the northern states , whether in the sphere of education , in official files or for the purpose of business , Hindi has largely displaced English .
5 Section 2(2) of that Act provides that regulations may be made ‘ for the purpose of implementing any Community obligation of the United Kingdom or for the purpose of dealing with matters arising out of or related to any such obligation . ’
6 These patients received treatment for H pylori infection and returned for endoscopy to investigate either the result of treatment or for the purpose of this study .
7 Respondents who did not live in or near Edinburgh were asked if their visit to the City was for leisure purposes , or for the purpose of business or study .
8 There is not a suggestion that one of these missiles were returned ; there is not one suggestion which can be made by anybody , no matter how evilly disposed he is to the organizer of the procession or to the purpose of the procession , that any violence was offered by a member of that procession .
9 Thus a large , lofty volume is enclosed by the roof and is useless except for the purpose of admitting daylight to the ‘ spinal ’ space of the building via high-level clerestory windows .
10 If a statement is then taken , it is usable at the preliminary hearing but not at the trial , except for the purpose of impeaching the accused .
11 ( ‘ Wickes ’ ) , until trial from using any premises in the Kirklees area as a retail do-it-yourself centre or for the purpose of any other retail trade or business on Sundays , except for the purpose of carrying out transactions excepted under the Act of 1950 .
12 ( 3 ) The register shall not be rectified , except for the purpose of giving effect to an overriding interest or an order of the court , so as to affect the title of the proprietor who is in possession — ( a ) unless the proprietor has caused or substantially contributed to the error or omission by fraud or lack of proper care ; or … ( c ) unless for any other reason , in any particular case , it is considered that it would be unjust not to rectify the register against him .
13 This order stays all further proceedings except for the purpose of carrying terms agreed — as contained in a Schedule annexed into effect ; the order ends with the words " … for that purpose , the parties are to be at liberty to apply " .
14 Interactionist approaches to explaining crime imply that for the purpose of studying such behaviour there is a correlation between being regarded as a criminal and in fact becoming one .
15 The reader is reminded that for the purpose of establishing the Created God , that mysterious ‘ something ’ which initiated the process must be firmly relegated to the pre-life infinity of the universe , and its study left to science , as discussed later .
16 But , I am sure that for the purpose of this case Dr. Walker 's emphasis on peaks , that is the noise of an individual heavy goods vehicle , is more relevant .
17 ( 2 ) That for the purpose of the taking of the said accounts the master has power under Ord. 62 , r. 24 to direct that any items of costs , fees , charges , disbursements , expenses and remuneration in the said accounts be taxed by a taxing officer on the indemnity basis .
18 He states : ‘ What Hale is saying is that for the purpose of the law of rape the consent given at the time of the marriage ceremony can not in law be revoked . ’
19 if the other party shall commit any act of bankruptcy , shall have a receiving order made against it , shall make or negotiate for any composition or arrangement with or assignment for the benefit of its creditors or , if the other party being a body corporate shall present a petition or have a petition presented by a creditor for its winding up or shall enter into any liquidation ( other than for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation ) , shall call any meeting of its creditors , shall have a receiver of all or any to its undertakings or assets appointed , shall be deemed to be unable to pay its debts , or shall cease to carry on business
20 We were acting under the authority of the Security Council for the purpose authorised by the Security Council , and that did not extend to the invasion of Iraq otherwise than for the purpose of driving it out of Kuwait .
21 ( i ) if either party shall pass a resolution for winding up or the court shall make an order that either party shall be wound up ( in either case other than for the purpose of reconstruction ) or if a receiver or manager on behalf of a creditor be appointed , or if circumstances shall arise which would entitle a court or a creditor to appoint a receiver or manager or which would entitle a court to make a winding up order ; or
22 The request ( if for the purpose of enforcement ) shall not be dealt with until after any pending proceedings whet her for variation of an instalment order , setting aside , an administration order , or a stay of execution , are determined ( Ord 25 , r 13 ) .
23 The information had also been disclosed in confidence to another shareholder who was using if for the purpose of making a bid for the plaintiff company .
24 But whatever definition one accepts , let us agree that there are such categories , and for the purpose of this work I shall define productive labour as being : labour which is exchanged with capital and produces a surplus-value , a surplus-value moreover which is embodied in material commodities , the form of which is capable of being used as capital for the reproduction and extension of capital .
25 persistently make telephone calls without reasonable cause and for the purpose of causing annoyance ( or inconvenience or needless anxiety ) to …
26 These specifically make it clear that the clinic may not disclose that someone has had the test , or its result , without that person 's consent , except to a doctor , or a doctor 's assistant ( and even then only in connection with , and for the purpose of the treatment or prevention of spread of HIV infection ) .
27 An order is not to be made under the section if the company entered into the transaction in good faith and for the purpose of carrying on its business and at the time there were reasonable grounds for believing the transaction would benefit the company : subsection ( 5 ) .
28 The reason why I think it important to distinguish between the two is that the principle of embellishment entails deviation in a single direction — that of elevation and elaboration — and for the purpose of achieving an emotive effect — that of dignity , sublimity and so forth .
29 It therefore follows that technical personnel are assigned to divisions on the basis of discipline , and for the purpose of accountability , control and maintenance of professional standards .
30 That subject to the approval of the Board of Inland Revenue , the Directors be and are hereby authorised to amend the Rules of the Dawson International Savings Related Share Option Scheme into the form presented to this meeting and for the purpose of identification initialled by the Chairman hereof . ’
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