Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [pron] come [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Think carefully about when this can be done — perhaps at the end of your knitting day or after you come in from work .
2 Or when I come down with psychosomatic diseases so that my wife babies me and Huxley and Hooker fight all my battles .
3 So that if somebody come in to call , they 'd pull this thing and then Mr or somebody would open the the sliding door and you see .
4 Some guests , like Mel Brooks , are going to give a performance — you know that before they come on , but you also know that there will be a semblance of conversation .
5 Do n't just prolong the issue , do n't pick on us and lock us in a room thinking that when we come out we 're going to be as good as gold , because we 're not .
6 Night Goblins have become so accustomed to the dark that when they come out into the open they prefer to move around at night and hide away during the day .
7 Yes , there must be be a reason and as I 'm sure , I mean like like the objective , and then what you can do at this stage in the design process is once you 've got the objective then you select those themes or ideas from your what you 've done just now to support that objective , so that when you come up my objective is to convince you or my objective is to inform you then the information that you 're going to give out supports that objective .
8 I 'll give you that when you come up .
9 I hope that when you come back , you will set up your own small specialist firm — I can think of examples — and run the elephants off their feet .
10 ‘ I feel almost sure that when you come back , at harvest time , I 'll be able to promise to marry you .
11 so that when you come back , there 's only one thing to come back to , there is n't a choice of two .
12 Well as I said er I , I 'll know that when you come back with , with the figures .
13 I , I bought that when it come out about two years ago .
14 I can go home now and again to stay with my sister , and Newbury Council have said that when I come back into circulation they 'd be willing to find me another place , and hopefully I 'll find a little job .
15 I will therefore be looking at the range of measures on offer to ensure that as we come out of the recession they offer unemployed people practical and effective help in getting back to work . ’
16 Probably because most of them leave to have families and once they come back they 're that much further behind ’ .
17 Batty and Sterland play in tonight 's continue their fitness build up in the reserve game against Newcastle , tonight Wed and if they come through will be considered for the Boxing Day game at Blackburn .
18 Oh yes we use cos when you 're dredging , you see when the eels came in the mud , eels always go in the mud in the winter time , you do n't , many eels swirl out , they go in the mud and when you 're dredging and they 're going into the hopper , cos they used to get stunned and they used to swim round right down the top of the water and they used to come up to the side , and if they come up to the side you could have your knife and just come here , cos they were stunned , pick 'em out .
19 And if they come out with that line : ‘ Oh but mum , everyone else 's mum lets them stay out until three in the morning/hitch a lift home from Glastonbury/take the short cut across the meadow at night/ride a bike without wearing an orange band … ’ then find out what other parents really think .
20 And if I come down with a sore throat now , I 'll know who to blame .
21 And if he come along he would want to know who the man 's doctor was .
22 okay , round the base of your thumb , basically what we want to do is we want to clamp these fingers in so they ca n't come un unstuck , we want to push them together because she ca n't keep them shut like that , but the next thing is that you come round to the back where the little finger is , the next time you come round here , you 're gon na come round to about the first thumb joint okay and then you 're gon na go over the top okay and if you come round again the little thumb , by , by the little finger , you come round again to the thumb joint okay , come over the top again , round , we 're just making really like the figure of eight , but all the time we 're keeping off of this wrist here and I 'm keeping her fingers in , are you alright still ?
23 And if you come out with something nobody has , you 'll get props for it .
24 And if you come down on a Sunday you 'll discover street entertainment too … jugglers , fire eaters and musicians , adding colour and a festive air .
25 It takes about five minutes to set it up before you retire to bed , and if you come back downstairs for something you have to cancel it and start all over again .
26 And when and if you come back up , what then ? ’
27 If you have a policy for housing , or anything else for that matter , how about sharing it with the rest of us , right and until you come up with an alternative policy , do n't you start knocking us for having a policy which we are prepared to debate .
28 So the people at the front yeah if if you come up a little bit closer .
29 Anyway perhaps if if I come back to you after next Tuesday afternoon when I 've got a meeting to talk just about that subject with the deputy and see what options are going to come forward .
30 All social behaviour is mediated and organized by communication , and before we come on to such social , and anti-social , topics as fighting , sex , and altruism , we should consider the means by which these interactions are controlled .
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