Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] believe that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Or they believe that information specialists know what data executives and professionals need in order to have information .
2 The hon. Gentleman knows that although we believe that Kenya should proceed with all speed to multi-party elections , there is much preparatory work to be done .
3 We have made it clear for a long period that we believe that devolution or independence would damage very severely the degree of inward investment into Scotland and the degree of self-generating investment within Scotland as well .
4 And I believe that consignment back in the warehouse is totally , completely , unquestionably legal .
5 So far wheels , frame and chimney have been built and I believe that progress has been made on the boiler .
6 Now I think we can go back to White Hart Lane ; Oxford United losing this afternoon by four goals to two away to Spurs in the F A Cup fourth round , and I believe that Nick Harris is with manager Brian Horton .
7 A student 's intuition moves far more swiftly than can an instruction manual , and I believe that self-tuition is the finest form of education .
8 ‘ The deal has been very good for football , ’ he says , ‘ and I believe that television is going to be accepted as a very important tool in the game 's administration .
9 I am a socialist and I believe that socialism is the basic ideology that will serve the needs of the masses .
10 There must come a point at which man must stop trying to decide his own destiny , and I believe that point has come now , in our time .
11 On a summer evening it is a superb setting for a drink and I believe that food is also served in that area .
12 The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and PR Sprays have teamed up to produce a new booklet targeted at people approaching retirement and who believe that retirement means a life as a couch potato in front of the telly .
13 The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and PR Sprays have teamed up to produce a new booklet targeted at people approaching retirement and who believe that retirement means a life as a couch potato in front of the telly .
14 If you believe that life is full of joy , then you feel happy and excited when the post arrives or the phone rings , rather than feeling fearful or gloomy .
15 If you believe that discrimination has occurred against yourself , a colleague or a member of the public , you are responsible for reporting this at once to your manager or personnel section .
16 These views depend on political values and preferences which we are not going to explore here , but clearly if you believe that society as a whole will gain by children from all income groups being educated together , or children from a local community or religious group being educated together , you will prefer a system of finance that favours such provision .
17 ‘ So if you believe that share prices look dangerously high after three or four years , you can decide to lock in to the rate you have picked .
18 If you believe that women , and not planners , should be the people to decide on the size of families they have , then this is the book for you .
19 If you believe that Hollis was a Russian agent then the Crabb affair fits neatly into the jigsaw but , as so often happens in the intelligence world , the same set of facts can be tinkered and tailored with so as to fit any preconceived belief .
20 If you believe that story you will believe anything .
21 If you believe that racism is essentially a product of economic or political structures , then you will concentrate all your efforts on trying to change these .
22 If you believe that abortion is wrong for any reason whatsoever then there is no justification for the termination of a pregnancy on the grounds of identified handicap .
23 It is probably too intrusive even to unconditionally ask the subject searcher to provide relevance information , and we believe that relevance judgements should only be requested if the system can detect that the user is either in trouble or being fairly persistent .
24 ‘ The object is to entertain the viewer , and we believe that Rebecca will help to do that . ’
25 ‘ The paperback market had now improved somewhat , and we believe that book production capacity and demand are more in balance than for some time ’ , he added .
26 If we believe that integrity is a third and independent ideal , at least when people disagree about one of the first two , then we may well think that fairness or justice must sometimes be sacrificed to integrity .
27 If we believe that Ireland can be purged of the Dark Lords and the Wolfline reinstated , then we will join with you . ’
28 This is not always easy ; we become skilled at using professional jargon and expect to hear it from others , but if we believe that people who use services should be involved in planning , then it is important that the language we use can be understood .
29 If we believe that words can be ‘ reclaimed ’ , then woman ought to be at the top of the list .
30 If we believe that expectations about Y t are formed rationally then we must also believe that the actual value of Y t diverges from the value that people expect , by a random error which we label v t .
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