Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] look [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You can either look at people 's jobs because that 's the bulk of the money goes or you look at the charging policy or you look how the building 's run .
2 and we either go with the word report or we look for an alternative word or words .
3 Probably that I 'm a genius and that I look like a donkey — or something like that
4 I know people have written saying that I look like a nun , or could have been a nun , but that 's the last thing I would want to be .
5 I hardly imagine that I look like an habitual criminal , anyway . ’
6 I 'm in bed reading , so I look at the little security system we have , look at the screen — I do n't know this chap , he 's obviously drunk , and obviously ex-public school .
7 I tend not to read long interviews with top celebs , as much to avoid discovering that they are dickheads as anything else , so I look for the news , gossip and reviews .
8 Although you look like a child , you are not really a child at all because your mind and your powers of reasoning seem to be fully grown-up .
9 The basic idea is that you look through the book until you find a picture that is of the type you are going to take , and you then read the accompanying bar code into the camera .
10 A trust can not be claimed on the basis of the words ‘ See that you look after the fields , and so it will come about that my son may give you your sons . ’
11 ‘ Has anybody ever told you that you look like an older version of Jacqueline Bisset ? ’
12 I just want a big comfortable feel , so you look at a sofa and want to curl up in it . ’
13 But once you look at the £10 to £15 bracket , high street champagne is definitely a good deal more impressive .
14 Suppose that we look at a particular new mutant gene , out of the 2Nmf that arose .
15 This idea links closely both to Donaldson 's notion of embedded and disembedded thought and to Vygotsky 's demand that we look at the total context in which information is exchanged and understood .
16 I think it 's also very relevant that we look at the real threats that are facing the N H S.
17 So before we proceed further it is important that we look at the units and measurement of temperature , pressure and volume .
18 The groups in our survey worked to make sure that we look at the needs , advice needs that they have , and that 's brought out .
19 It 's important that we look at the pattern of our spending as a local authority over the past five or six years .
20 The C E C recommends that we look at the experience of these regions before we take any decisions nationally .
21 John Dower , the father of the National Parks , got it right when he said that we look to the farming communities for the continuance not only of the landscape but of the drama itself , rural life and work .
22 The dramaturgical metaphor would suggest that we look to the audience for the arbitration of the action , and it is perhaps no surprise that the peer group emerged as crucial in this respect .
23 That we look not for detailed application of single techniques in a piecemeal fashion , but rather that we look for the general developments from which we can build school specific approaches which translate the experience into usable school practice .
24 Alright but in any double logged mode , right , the coefficients you estimate are elasticities , so we look at the incoming elasticity , we get a measure , or we get an estimate point six eight , right , that 's a positive as we would expect suggesting that er erm textiles are a normal good , right .
25 ‘ But the demand is coming from the young so we look at the educational side to cut that demand . ’
26 The very idea of ‘ disciplinary cultures ’ is itself problematic , involving as it does not one but two rather elusive concepts ; and many disciplines appear less homogeneous to insiders than they look from the outside .
27 No surprise , then , that they look to the United States with such extravagant hope .
28 Government ministers seem to think that they look at a pile of brochures .
29 I suggest to those who talk of regional banding that they look at the protection that the banding system will offer to people living in London and the south-east .
30 Can I just finally say that the whole import of the orders is to ensure that they look at the criteria of authorisation , they are concerned with the authorisation of firms which take public deposits and investments and when that is brought into question , when there is evidence to suggest that those criteria are not being adequately med it must be right to impose a non costly duty on the auditors to bring that about , that is what these orders do tonight , I think they 're an extremely welcome addition to the stable of measures of regulation and they will improve materially depositor protection .
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