Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] believe that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ask a Christian why he or she believes that God exists , and they might reply : ‘ It is a matter of faith . ’
2 At that time , a man who persuaded himself ‘ in the passion of a moment ’ that No meant Yes , or who believed that women who said ‘ No ’ never meant it , would have escaped liability even where recklessness was part of the mens rea of rape .
3 Or they believe that information specialists know what data executives and professionals need in order to have information .
4 She told me that she believed that evil was real , and not merely the absence of good , which , I felt , was a good start .
5 The hon. Gentleman knows that although we believe that Kenya should proceed with all speed to multi-party elections , there is much preparatory work to be done .
6 When they spoke in the debate just before the war , Neil Kinnock and Gerald Kaufman said that a vote for the adjournment would not be a vote for war , that we believed that sanctions should be given longer .
7 We have made it clear for a long period that we believe that devolution or independence would damage very severely the degree of inward investment into Scotland and the degree of self-generating investment within Scotland as well .
8 of people in that wider community told a Harris poll that they believed that Labour would raise the basic rate of tax , 57 per cent .
9 In this extract the hero approaches Stonehenge : Some readers have found the human sacrifice image ‘ juvenile ’ , and it is reminiscent of the general level of The Vale of Esthwaite ; but in Wordsworth 's defence one must point out that everybody believed that Stonehenge had been the scene of human sacrifice , and continued to do so until this century ( see , for instance , Hardy 's Tess of the D'Urbervilles ) .
10 UK Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd on a visit to Turkey on April 21-22 said that he believed that Turkey should be included in the Matutes plan ( the EC 's development programme for the Mediterranean basin ) .
11 He was still not sure that he believed that story , but in her misery was prepared to go along with her .
12 The judge indicated that he believed that police of all ranks had been involved in a cover-up of the initial investigation of the massacre and called for a public inquiry .
13 On taking office Sandys did , indeed , warn the Board of Admiralty that he believed that carriers cost more than they were worth .
14 Georgia 's President Zviad Gamsakhurdia continued to warn of the prospect of Gorbachev attempting to impose presidential rule , and he told the Georgian Supreme Soviet on Feb. 27 that he believed that Gorbachev was preparing to detach South Ossetia and the other troubled enclave of Abkhazia from Georgia if the republic persisted in refusing to sign the new Union Treaty .
15 The right hon. Gentleman will be aware that the case for pardoning Derek Bentley was supported by his trial jury , which recommended mercy in 1952 ; by the Lord Chief Justice of the day ; by the trial judge , who said subsequently that he believed that Bentley would not hang ; a subsequent Lord Chancellor , Lord Hailsham ; by many members of another place ; by many right hon. and hon. Members of this House — nearly one third of whom signed a recent early-day motion ; and by millions of our fellow citizens .
16 The problem with the Minister 's logic is that his colleague , the other Under-Secretary of State for Employment , the hon. Member for Wantage ( Mr. Jackson ) has recently gone on record saying that he believes that women should have pay parity with men in accordance with the law .
17 Is that what the Prime Minister means when he says that he believes that Conservatives want to use the national health service ?
18 And I believe that consignment back in the warehouse is totally , completely , unquestionably legal .
19 So far wheels , frame and chimney have been built and I believe that progress has been made on the boiler .
20 Now I think we can go back to White Hart Lane ; Oxford United losing this afternoon by four goals to two away to Spurs in the F A Cup fourth round , and I believe that Nick Harris is with manager Brian Horton .
21 A student 's intuition moves far more swiftly than can an instruction manual , and I believe that self-tuition is the finest form of education .
22 ‘ The deal has been very good for football , ’ he says , ‘ and I believe that television is going to be accepted as a very important tool in the game 's administration .
23 I am a socialist and I believe that socialism is the basic ideology that will serve the needs of the masses .
24 There must come a point at which man must stop trying to decide his own destiny , and I believe that point has come now , in our time .
25 On a summer evening it is a superb setting for a drink and I believe that food is also served in that area .
26 If someone believed that tables were better than chairs , we would think they were talking nonsense .
27 Very few took the position of Ada Nield Chew , who saw clearly how the position of working wives was complicated by their reproductive function , and who believed that women 's sole responsibility for home and children represented the chief impediment to self-fulfilment .
28 It is a miserable and heart-breaking business to take peasant families who left Vietnam 's poor northern provinces with visions of a new life in America dancing in their heads , who endured dangerous sea voyages , and who believed that Hong Kong 's camps , however dreadful , were a way station to their dream — to take these families and to return them to the red dirt farms and meagre fishing villages from which they came .
29 It is a miserable and heart-breaking business to take peasant families who left Vietnam 's poor northern provinces with visions of a new life in America dancing in their heads , who endured dangerous sea voyages , and who believed that Hong Kong 's camps , however dreadful , were a way station to their dream — to take these families and to return them to the red dirt farms and meagre fishing villages from which they came .
30 The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and PR Sprays have teamed up to produce a new booklet targeted at people approaching retirement and who believe that retirement means a life as a couch potato in front of the telly .
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