Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] have [be] waiting " in BNC.

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1 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE has been told to turn up at his restaurant at Venice Beach , California at 2.30 pm to tell me his version of the story of his life , then Dudley Moore more or less dudleys into his restaurant at Venice Beach , California and joins me at a corner table where I 've been waiting to hear his story .
2 I found him in the Grange garden , where he had been waiting for news all night .
3 ‘ I was so astonished that I 've been waiting until people started to come to church so that I could show somebody and you 're the first and most suitable .
4 ‘ Pretty much what happened was that I 'd been waiting all this time to be successful , to achieve whatever I was going to achieve , now I had and I was sitting in this flippin' hotel thinking : This is not where it 's at .
5 Crooking an index finger , she summoned a waiter and proceeded to inform him that she had been waiting fully half an hour for her pancakes and that it would not do .
6 No , he wrote , because Diana herself does not acknowledge either that she has been waiting all her life for him to appear .
7 It 's just that you have been waiting all afternoon for it to arrive and now have little choice but to try and bludgeon your way through the waves of cover tacklers .
8 So you have been waiting .
9 He had a feeling that they 'd been waiting right from the start of the trip .
10 As everyone turned to look at him , Jinny realized that he had been waiting for this moment all the time he was explaining his plan .
11 Mungo had the impression that he had been waiting a lifetime to answer that question .
12 In February 1756 reference is made to four illustrations ‘ sent some time since by our friend , Mr. Collinson ’ and Miller said he would have sent others except for the fact that he had been waiting for better colourists .
13 Later , over coffee , Steven broached the subject that he had been waiting all day to discuss with Jennifer .
14 A lunch with the Capo dello Squadro Anti-Terrorismo that he had been waiting a year for , a session with a good guy in the Guardia di Finanze , and a squash game with Dieter who was number two to the Legal Attaché , and he just did n't know whether he 'd be back before the Little League All Stars trip to Naples and the game against the Sixth Fleet which was the high point of the season which they played now courtesy of the Italian sunshine into late fall .
15 One particularly nasty German television journalist informed me that he had been waiting for a month and if anyone was getting near Ortega , it was him .
16 I feel that he has been waiting for me to get home so he can demonstrate this talent .
17 I mean the doctor was no help and I 'd been waiting for over a coupla months to get into the Clinic for a detox .
18 So it 's really settling in and I 've been waiting for that to happen . ’
19 ‘ I feel , ’ he said , ‘ as if I 've been waiting a hundred years for you . ’
20 as if she 'd been waiting outside for a convenient pause in their conversation , the vaporeuse knocked on the door and opened it .
21 The strong fingers peeling the nightshirt upwards , the exploring hunger of the hard mouth on her stomach , her breasts , her lips , it felt as if she 'd been waiting for ever for these feelings …
22 It was as if she had been waiting for him for all these years .
23 It was as if she had been waiting for this moment for four years or more .
24 It was as if she had been waiting all her life to find this man , this moment .
25 ‘ Sounds as if you 've been waiting a long time , ’ she said soothingly .
26 And we 've been waiting and waiting and waiting now for a week to get this reconciliation at least together so that we could go out and re-count whatever was required .
27 And and they 've been waiting since for it to happen .
28 Yeah well th cos they 've been waiting up there on the thing and they 've land or they 've just been circ
29 When he arrived he had been told to wait , and he had been waiting ever since .
30 I mean he 's a rank Labour , he 's got everything up there cos he was telling Mike , I mean he 's got his neck in a collar and he 's been waiting
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