Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] towards the " in BNC.

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1 I 'm suggesting we send that man a voucher for fifty pound that his company or he puts towards the next time they buy a full fare or an Apex and then we actually get fifty quid or a hundred and fifty quid .
2 Another example of , of a similar thing er that you mentioned towards the end of your paper was where an external stimulus interferes with dreams .
3 Actual allocations to regions would gradually be adjusted over several years so that they moved towards the target allocations .
4 Here one of them sacrifices for the other : both have trouble falling asleep , and their partner 's noisy breath wakes them ; so they wriggle towards the edge of the bed , leaving a broad space down the middle ; they pretend to be sound asleep , in the hope of making sleep easier for their partner , who will then be able to turn from side to side without disturbing the other .
5 Once they moved towards the collateral fact doctrine the line became hazy at best .
6 Herluin had sensibly refrained from playing any part in the affair , once it turned towards the partial restoration of Ramsey 's credit and the grievous embarrassment of Shrewsbury .
7 At last , there was a cry of ‘ Silence ! ’ , and everyone looked towards the door .
8 He is Cancerian and I 'm a Sagittarian and he describes it as him rushing towards the dark , and me rushing towards the light , and we both drag each other back , into a kind of middle earth .
9 Well I did we we talked about this , you see Mary Anne , half way through the conversation er Neil went out of the room so that I could to Mary Ann and I said towards the end of my conversation , you know , Mary Ann you 're a very wise person , give me some advice I said , I told her about Neil not wanting no not doing well on the driving , although he can drive she said he does n't want to do it she said do n't hassle him so when he came downstairs I said I 've been talking to Mary Ann and she sends you her love and because , of course , you know , we 've got a grandson , you know she had a son , my
10 My vision went red and I groped towards the stirrup and stuck to the icy metal .
11 ‘ Yes , those Scales that the faithful foolish Gnomes of Gallan wrought for Erin and which disappeared towards the end of his reign . ’
12 Fred 's voice came through the headphones to her and she glanced towards the control-room , barely seeing the figures clustered behind the glass for the tears clouding her eyes .
13 It was almost time for her mistress 's luncheon , and she went towards the back of the hall to the breakfast parlour , one of the few rooms still in use , to see if Mrs Diggory had as yet laid out the tray .
14 Lacuna 's eyes had snapped open , and she whirled towards the Doctor .
15 Billie could n't believe the cold and she rushed towards the warmth of the terminal .
16 When she spoke again her voice was suddenly softer , quieter , more friendly , and she leaned towards the boy , smiling .
17 The ice cream girl must have had a lie in this Sunday morning , and she arrived towards the end of the film showing prior to the interval .
18 I took her arm and we turned towards the station away from the river .
19 I used up the last of the film and we headed towards the airfield .
20 If one leans towards the former view , it is not to belittle the other .
21 The man with the baskets tried to kick a couple of scrawny hens out of his path and they fluttered towards the edge of the road .
22 He took her arm and they walked towards the impressive sprawl of the exhibition centre .
23 Phoebe lifted her to her feet and they started towards the door .
24 They were within sight of the airfield when Woolley inexplicably wheeled left and they climbed towards the mattress of cloud .
25 His hand slid from her face to her shoulder and he glanced towards the bar where the men had brought their drinks out to see the very last of this unusual event .
26 The Spirit , then , is fully involved in the anguish of our world-in-the-making , and of us Christians-in-the-making ; and he points towards the day when the pains of travail will give way to the joys of birth .
27 The gentleman 's face lit as his smile came out and he went towards the bed with the intention of grasping the veined hands held out towards him .
28 She thought , as what she said registered and he looked towards the couch , that he looked grateful , and wondered if he was vaguely remembering that the last time he 'd been plastered he had spent the night on that same couch .
29 Tim was taller and broader and he leaned towards the old man like a creature caught in the instant of springing on its quarry .
30 He saw her breasts and her broken tooth , and he moved towards the bed , seconds away from fucking her .
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