Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] the extent to " in BNC.

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1 It is possible to identify many individual wage earners in the court records , and the next stage of the project involves finding out more from other sources about these individuals , so as to understand more fully their social and economic position , and especially the extent to which they were solely reliant on their income from wage earning .
2 We talked about ways in which parents could encourage their children to read , and also the extent to which Dad or Mum should help with homework .
3 Answers to these and other questions should allow us to develop a more accurate picture of the impact of tax on people 's earnings and hence the extent to which it redistributes income within Britain .
4 The comparison will show how far politicians ' views reflect those of the citizens , and hence the extent to which policy is likely to meet with popular approval .
5 but i if we take it first of all back well wh okay what was happening in that microcosm , and then the extent to which you can generalize .
6 The extent to which these tactics are successful — and indeed the extent to which they are tried ( early evidence from January and February 1990 indicated a decrease in the numbers of statements , Private Notice Questions , applications for emergency debates and points of order compared with previous sessions — is a matter of some speculation .
7 Fourth , providing the standard deviation of the test scale is known , it is relatively easy to estimate the extent to which a child 's score is extreme ( either high or low ) in relation to the scores obtained by the standardisation sample , and therefore the extent to which further testing and possible intervention is appropriate .
8 The question of how far the report would be a public document remained unanswered and therefore the extent to which it was an accountability exercise was not made clear to staff .
9 It tackled the role of safety management in promoting nuclear safety , but not the extent to which licensees already accept the principles in practice .
10 In London , figures collected by the London Research Centre with the help of the London boroughs revealed not only the rapid decay of inner city housing as suggested by the national survey , but also the extent to which chronic disrepair is now prevalent even in suburban areas .
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