Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] be growing " in BNC.

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1 Razumikhin himself may or may not have come from the country , but he is certainly a member of the floating , unbelonging population of students and ex-students , and he records in simple puzzlement that Raskolnikov has been growing increasingly moody and suspicious and introverted ; ‘ he has no time for anything , people are always in his way , and yet he lies about and does nothing ’ — a confirming echo of Raskolnikov on his bed telling Nastasya the maid that he is working , by which he means thinking .
2 And thus , when her father 's ghastly illness had first been diagnosed , and had then continued on its remorseless path , she 'd only discovered — when it was far too late — that she and Ross had been growing steadily and disastrously apart .
3 Long before Neil Kinnock let it be known that he had let his membership of Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament lapse , the Labour Party and CND had been growing apart .
4 Linkage roles with other European research centres and universities have been growing apace , both through ERASMUS and other schemes .
5 Another factor which made Russian foreign policy different in kind from that of the other Great Powers in 1880 was that , like Great Britain ( with whom she often came into conflict over them ) , she had great extra-European interests , both in the Far East and central Asia , where her territories , influence and commerce had been growing steadily for twenty years .
6 For who within the service is seeking or is willing to dismantle these units whose power and autonomy has been growing in strides since the Royal Commission of 1960 and the subsequent Police Act of 1964 first created the amalgamated giants ?
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