Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] rise to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When A per cent of records that give rise to B per cent of accesses is loaded first , the improvement obtained tends to ( 100 — B ) / ( 100 — A ) as .
2 Not only of its fastnesses and vastnesses but also of the minute detailing of existence upon our own planet : its climatic patterns and the plate tectonics that give rise to earthquakes , volcanoes , fold mountains and the oceanic ridges .
3 The research aims to document the range of factors that give rise to arrears , as identified by the borrower .
4 Hallowell ( 1950 , 1956 ) went on to argue that the emergence of culture was due to a novel psychological structure rooted in the social behaviour of the gregarious primate that gave rise to Man .
5 In both countries , the class relations that gave rise to nationalization have been reflected in the continuing ethos of ‘ progressive ’ public sector industrial relations and the notion of the ‘ good employer ’ , manifested in relatively good sick pay and pensions , ‘ humane ’ handling of redundancy , and so on .
6 Smithers was an English publisher who got his sexual kicks from deflowering virgins , an obsession that gave rise to Oscar Wilde 's celebrated remark that ‘ Smithers loves first editions ’ .
7 If not , obtain an office copy of the application that gave rise to entry , which will supply not only information as to what is the protected interest but also as to who is the individual claiming protection and his or her conveyancer .
8 It was with the onset of a more variable temperature , and the beginning of climatic zones , in the late Paleozoic , that gave rise to vertebrates attempting to employ primitive temperature-control strategies .
9 This is defined as : A state of visual acceptability , related to the absence of dirt , where the level of dirt remaining neither significantly impairs nor prevents the function of the area or equipment in it nor gives rise to contamination of food .
10 It asks the following : what is it about family law that gives rise to challenges to its authenticity as law ?
11 Precisely where , within the lexical procedure for reading aloud , should we locate the defect that gives rise to surface dyslexia ?
12 Meditation is that process of mental digestion that gives rise to understanding which integrates the energies of mind and will in a desire for God which is prayer .
13 These results suggested that open complexes formed at the φ29 P A2b and P A3 promoters are unstable , and that initiated complexes are stable enough to resist the heparin challenge and give rise to elongation complexes .
14 The pitch patterns of a foreign language applied to English sound wrong and give rise to difficulties of communication .
15 The first two of these are generally the most important and give rise to rates and methods for temporal and international comparison .
16 However , the change in trade patterns induced by the creation of a CU could result in alterations to the competitive environment , and give rise to opportunities to reap economies of scale .
17 Unclear guidance on this point could cause confusion over what information should be made available , and give rise to demands for information not covered by the disclosure provisions .
18 In the absence of anything so spectacular , the most impressive parts of the speech were those which declared how Germany had successfully surmounted the most severe test in the previous winter , and those indicating the exploitation of the material resources of the occupied territories and giving rise to hopes of improved foodstuff provisioning at home .
19 The Sotheby sale in 1936 made the contents of Newton 's Portsmouth papers much better known and gave rise to Lord Keynes 's famous description of Newton as the ‘ last of the magicians ’ .
20 As the struggle progressed he came to see the inadequacies of the term and realized that it was too constricted in its meaning and gave rise to confusion and misunderstanding .
21 Meiosis , you will remember , is the special kind of cell division that halves the number of chromosomes and gives rise to sperm cells or egg cells .
22 Similarly , a fall in demand by consumers is signalled by price falling relative to production costs and gives rise to losses for producers which may well lead to factory closures and job losses .
23 Eggs are spherical but give rise to animals with well-defined axes with heads at one end and ‘ tails ’ at the other .
24 About wet conditions that may be dangerous but give rise to regeneration , and scorched ones that appear daunting but may lead to growth . ’
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