Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] to use [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( 2 ) Sexual Assaults Involving Bodily Harm , Weapons or Third Parties 246.2 Every one who , in committing a sexual assault , ( a ) carries , uses or threatens to use a weapon or an imitation thereof , ( b ) threatens to cause bodily harm to a person other than the complainant , ( c ) causes bodily harm to the complainant , or ( d ) is a party to the offence with any other person , is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for fourteen years .
2 In addition French ( 1986b ) found that various characteristics which go against the stereotyped image of the physiotherapist are stigmatised by that profession ; for example , to be very overweight was considered more of a barrier than blindness or needing to use a wheelchair .
3 They were shut away like lunatics and made to use the back lift .
4 If you have a pitched roof and want to use the loft space for habitable rooms , you need to insulate the underside of the roof slope .
5 The Westminster government refused to negotiate with the strikers and proposed to use the army to maintain essential services .
6 Manchester United wait on Bryan Robson 's decision on his fitness for the Rumbelows Cup Final against Nottingham Forest today , and hope to use the match to launch them on the final leg of their title procession .
7 Tricord Systems Inc , building servers in Plymouth , Michigan got its initial public offering of 3m shares , 2.5m of them new , away at $11 a share , and plans to use the $25m or so net proceeds to repay debt and for working capital .
8 Network Computing Devices Inc got its initial public offering of 2.5m shares , all new , away at $12 a share , and plans to use the $28m or so net proceeds for working capital .
9 Intuit Inc , Menlo Park , California developer of the Quicken household budgeting program , got its initial public offering of 1.5m shares , 1m of them new , away at $20 a share and plans to use the $19m or so net proceeds for capital expenditure , working capital and product development .
10 SuperMac Technology Inc , Sunnyvale , California developing photorealistic colour graphics systems for the publishing and prepress , digital video , and business productivity markets , got its issue of 1m shares away at $16.25 a share and plans to use the $15m or so net proceeds for working capital ; Montgomery Securities , PaineWebber Inc , and Volpe , Welty & Co were the lead underwriters to the issue .
11 Auspex Systems Inc , the Santa Clara , California developer of dedicated Network File System servers , got its initial public offering of 5m shares , 2.66m of them new , away at $12 a share , and plans to use the $30m or so net proceeds for working capital .
12 OPTi Inc , Santa Clara manufacturer of core logic chip sets for personal computers , got its initial public offering of 2.5m shares , 2m of them new , away at $10 a share and plans to use the $9.5m or so net proceeds to finance accounts receivable and inventory .
13 Leasing Solutions Inc , a San Jose company dealing in information processing and communications equipment , principally leasing it ‘ to large creditworthy companies ’ , got its initial public offering of 1m new shares away at $5.00 per share and plans to use the $4.5m or so net proceeds to buy equipment for lease .
14 Superconductor Technologies Inc , developing high temperature superconductor thin film for the magnetic resonance imaging cellular communications and high speed computing markets in Santa Barbara , California got its initial public offering of 1.5m new shares away at $10.00 per share and plans to use the $14m or so net proceeds for research and development , capital equipment , repayment of capital leases and working capital .
15 Software Etc Stores Inc , Edina , Minnesota software retailer , got its offering of 800,000 shares , all new , away at $15.50 per share and intends to use the $12m or so net proceeds to accelerate its store expansion programme — opening 60 to 70 new stores in each of the next two years to add to the 42 currently open .
16 She takes little exercise , does not even walk much , and prefers to use the car or public transport .
17 In Britain , mother tongue learners of English are discouraged from using repetition on the grounds that it is ‘ bad style ’ , and encouraged to use a device known as ‘ elegant repetition ’ , where synonymous or more general words or phrases are used .
18 In any event , it is wise to place a suitable receptacle within easy reach throughout the day , and after a meal the puppy should be taken into the garden and encouraged to use an area here .
19 She said that after he raped her , he forced part of his hand into her , causing pain , and threatened to use the truncheon .
20 Tory leader Coun Tony Richmond said the blame for that lost opportunity lay completely with Labour breaking the golden rule and failing to use a Government minister in the effort to attract the company .
21 So Thomas played bridge with them , and swam , and learned to use an aqualung .
22 In Good she played the hero 's senile , wheelchair-bound elderly mother ( ‘ I had nothing on my face and had to use a toilet on stage ’ ) , shrieking asperities at her hapless son as he wrestled with the temptations of Nazism .
23 That said , the working environment in OS/2 is different enough that I found myself trying to unlearn the way I work at present and trying to use the system the way IBM meant it to be used .
24 At about 11.20 on the night in question he arrived back in his room and wanted to use the lavatory .
25 Ensure that you know where the resuscitation equipment is kept , what the emergency phone numbers are for fire and cardiac arrest and learn to use the oxygen and suction equipment .
26 He was allowed home but needs to use a nebuliser six times a day to get drugs and oxygen to his lungs .
27 They were not normally used on the Sutton route , but had to use the depôt for overhaul facilities .
28 The test of " a right to stay " on the land is in both cases , " Did that person possess the land in fact , while intending to use the land and to keep out the whole world ? "
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