Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] attention to the " in BNC.

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1 Now clearly we are not going to join the need to exercise , because Chairman no one has mentioned or drawn attention to the fact that the preamble to the budget paper contains a very distinct warning , that in addition to the estimated resource gap in nineteen ninety four
2 But the double oxymoron in line 13 suggests that they are already foes , that the poem has either been written to try and restore a lost harmony , or to draw attention to the fact that it can not be restored .
3 Mining Awareness produced a leaflet that drew attention to the problems of blasting , dust , chemicals , silting , erosion , water supply , pollution of the area and waste disposal problems associated with gold mining .
4 His eyes swept the terrasse 's clientèle and an eyebrow twitched as his glance passed one of them in a way that directed attention to the woman sitting there , with her back to the street , facing them through the glass .
5 The next chapter will be rather different in both intention and structure , for it will not examine the work in detail of particular leaders in the field nor give attention to the teasing out of any particular principles .
6 Yet at the moment there is a feeling in many of the schools I visit ( both in this country and abroad ) that to give attention to the child who is already a ‘ high flier ’ is difficult and somehow immoral .
7 The feminine voice at the start of the Shipman 's Tale is a conundrum that draws attention to the teller .
8 The Conference adopted two recommendations that call attention to the fact that the health sector is not the only one that should be concerned with mortality and that , in addition to primary health care , there are other factors that tend to reduce mortality and enhance health of mothers and children .
9 But she does now dress in a way that pays attention to the mood of the moment for quieter , softer clothes .
10 Syllabifying as ab-sent and drawing attention to the familiarity of sent can stop this error .
11 ’ Eliot emphasized the dangers of this and drew attention to the importance of the Jamesian stress on ‘ the whole deep mystery of man 's soul and conscience ’ .
12 He welcomed the presence of the Soviet delegation and drew attention to the urgency of concluding the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) " Uruguay Round " of trade talks by the end of 1990 , particularly on the question of agricultural subsidies .
13 Under Resolution 45/149 of Dec. 18 the Assembly unanimously condemned the involvement of children in the use , production and distribution of illicit drugs and drew attention to the lack of financial resources to combat drug abuse worldwide .
14 He took his argument further than that based on the existence of the pluralist society whether of his day or ours , and drew attention to the crucial question of truth-claims which can not be publicly demonstrated in such a way that reasonable people may not disagree .
15 By contrast , environmentalists often focused instead on the meanings of the symptoms they observed in their patients , and drew attention to the rearing and experiential difficulties a person may have undergone during their formative and developmental years .
16 responding to White Papers on the tertiary education system , the Council supported the volume and variety of courses provided on a full-time and part-time basis and drew attention to the need to give proper status to colleges ' degrees .
17 His memorandum , delivered on 9 January 1939 , repeated previous arguments and drew attention to the weakness of the Labour League of Youth and the difficulty of gaining a majority at the next General Election .
18 The speculation aroused by the British Chancellor of the Exchequer 's statements at the Ecofin meeting in September 1991 that there could be an inner core of eight countries served to emphasise the difficulties of reconciling such a proposal with a wider Europe and to draw attention to the two-speed concept .
19 They will write letters on behalf of their ‘ twin ’ to try and uncover their whereabouts and to draw attention to the plight of ‘ disappeared ’ people .
20 Henceforward Wolf pursued two objectives , both within the leading institutions of the Anglo-Jewish community and as a journalist — thwarting political Zionism , which he thought would place Jews in a situation of conflicting loyalties , and calling attention to the denial of human rights to Jews , particularly in Russia and Romania .
21 I recreate the absent proprietor ’ , he says in The Thief 's Journal ( p. 129 ) ; and in a 1975 interview : ‘ I would like the world , and pay attention to the way I 'm saying it , I would like the world not to change so that I can be against the world ’ ( Gay Sunshine Interviews , 79 ) .
22 This contribution also indicates the wide variety of groups that are involved in monitoring environmental change and draws attention to the role that the European Community is increasingly playing in co-ordinating these efforts .
23 This contribution cuts across many of the questions relating to particular applications that were raised in preceding chapters and draws attention to the dangers of neglecting institutional and personal considerations in practice .
24 FRED 2 also proposes that the policy adopted should be disclosed , and draws attention to the requirement to apply the normal rules governing the recoverability of assets in those circumstances in which a company is contemplating the recognition of a deferred tax asset in respect of a provision of post-retirement obligations .
25 It further notes that the curriculum should take account of ‘ the ethnic diversity of the school population and society at large ’ , and draws attention to the principle that as wide a range of children as possible should have access to the whole curriculum .
26 The video looks back on the occupation of Latin America by Europeans and draws attention to the present situation of the millions of people throughout the continent who are suffering poverty and disease .
27 All courses have an underlying philosophy that emphasises the positive value of bilingualism , recognises the importance of anti-racist approaches to curriculum , materials and methods , acknowledges the role that mother tongue may play in learning and draws attention to the fact that bilingual students may have already studied the subject in their own country and need to transfer knowledge rather than to learn from the beginning .
28 FoE calls for large-scale debt cancellation to help achieve sustainable development in the Third World and draws attention to the role of UK commercial banks in the debt crisis .
29 Only then did everyone turn and pay attention to the boy and the window behind them .
30 B8 ) as depending upon the universal tendency towards adjustment of form and process ; to direct investigation towards the essentially multivariate character of geomorphic phenomena ; to admit a more liberal view of morphological changes with time to include the possibility of non-significant or non-progressive changes of certain aspects of landscape form through time ; to foster a dynamic approach to geomorphology to complement the historical one ; to focus upon the whole landscape assemblage rather than upon those parts assumed to have evolutionary significance ; to encourage geomorphic investigations in those areas where evidence for erosional history may be deficient ; and to direct attention to the heterogeneity of spatial organization .
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