Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] himself the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Faced with the same claims about the effect of words like " fair " , the courts today apply a doctrine of " mistake " which precludes all review of the expert 's analysis , unless the expert values the wrong shares or asks himself the wrong question about concepts such as fairness : see Chapter 13 .
2 When there were not games he disappeared into the library and found himself the only person in the building .
3 Tonight he had been immersed in scenes of Mafia violence and found himself the next moment slumped in the Chesterfield staring at silver snow on the screen .
4 Nevertheless , the local historian will find it useful to think of his chosen parish or neighbourhood in terms of broad categories such as ‘ open-field arable ’ or ‘ wood-pasture ’ or ‘ fenland edge ’ and to set himself the fundamental task of understanding how people adapted themselves to their physical environment .
5 He was listening to old Legion marching songs and giving himself the Nazi salute in the mirror .
6 Here he was able to stand back from the onrush of western man and ask himself the real questions of life and meaning ; get his young life , full and successful as it had been , into perspective .
7 Edgar Linton was still in love with her , and thought himself the happiest man on earth when he married her three years after his parents ' death .
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