Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] the room " in BNC.

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1 Half the original defenders lay dead or dying in the rooms of the old chateau , the courtyard , grounds , and pheasantry .
2 terminals in restaurants , switchboard , porters desks , housekeeping office to post charges direct to the guest 's account or in the case of the housekeeper to enquire or update on the room status ;
3 If Marcus was sitting on his bed or walking about the room or looking out of the window , Ludens would sit near him either on a chair or else on the floor his knees up , his back against the wall .
4 For example , if any property has been lost or found in the rooms then by referring to the room history card it is possible to discover who was the occupant of the room at a certain date .
5 Never shout or call across the room .
6 Often when talking with the girls she had noticed that whenever Moran entered the room silence and deadness would fall on them ; and if he was eating alone or working in the room setting the teeth of a saw , putting a handle in a broken spade on a wet day , taking apart the lighting plant that never seemed to run properly for long — they always tried to slip away .
7 and the tray , that 's it though , that is it actual Christmas drink that goes round the room and then the presents come out I look out the window and the snow blow
8 She recorded everything that passed in the room , but she cared for only one person .
9 The Luggage came ambling down one of the other passages that radiated from the room .
10 The noises that came from the rooms on either side seemed like the sound-track of a film that everyone in the hotel was playing , a film in which various people were constantly ambushed , or tortured , or — in joy — found God .
11 Their fragrance mingled with the faint smell of wood smoke that lingered in the room and the rector thought , yet again , how warm and full of life this small room was .
12 The slap landed against the side of his head with a crack that echoed around the room .
13 She screamed , but it had little effect , just added to the confusion that reigned in the room .
14 Light splayed from his glasses as he looked up , glasses that brought into the room high-scudding clouds and an airy scrawl of branches .
15 He noticed everything , from the good but worn carpets to the books that abounded in the room .
16 And , with a horrified shudder , it occurred to Folly that if she stayed any longer in the corridor she might hear more than talking in the room beyond the door .
17 Animals appeared to be bounding and bellowing around the room .
18 Just go and sit in the room or do something while I just do this .
19 The night prior to the arrival of guests the section of the rack containing the reservations for that particular day is removed from the advance reservations rack ( Fig. 3.15 ) and placed alongside the room rack ( Fig. 3.14 ) and becomes the current reservation rack .
20 She rose and stalked across the room , snatched her brush from the vanity table and dragged it through her hair with harsh , angry strokes .
21 After tossing restlessly for more than an hour , Fran got up and crept from the room and down the stairs , hoping that a cup of tea would soothe her nerves .
22 He leapt to his feet and sprinted across the room .
23 He got up and moved about the room , picking up ornaments and moving restlessly from one side to the other .
24 He sighed and moved into the room .
25 Marc had finished his rearrangement of the videos and moved across the room just as she herself moved forward .
26 She pauses , and glances around the room .
27 The piggies blushed even pinker than usual as they were hoisted onto the shoulders of their friends and carried round the room .
28 She climbed the stairs and peered into the room she had chosen for Rodney and herself .
29 A peculiar head slowly rose from the hole and peered into the room with patient animal scrutiny .
30 He put them on , and peered round the room , hunching his shoulders , shamming the old scholar .
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