Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] a period " in BNC.

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1 Others say they were unable to comply with the surgeons instructions that they undertake no lifting or pulling for a period of time after the operation .
2 An example of such a clause is one which says the employee is not to canvass or solicit during a period of five years from the date of the determination of this agreement for whatever reason any person , company or firm who were customers of the employer with whom he dealt during the last three years of his employment .
3 This particular initiative in community education , although building on a period of active community involvement , set out at an early stage to involve local residents in controlling the educational programme and establishing a structure for participation which , it was hoped , would avoid the sort of elitism which beset the WEA .
4 Well can I say that er if I might say so first of all , I think that the , the antipathy that existed for a period actually came more from the workshop , rather than the management .
5 The Inner House of the Scottish Court of Sessions has held that the Prescription and Limitations ( Scotland ) Act 1973 ( the Act ) did not exclude the Crown 's claim to interest on overdue tax that related to a period more than five years before the Crown had acted to recover the tax and interest thereon ( see Lord Advocate v Butt and others [ 1992 ] STI 169 ) .
6 Many doctors think that it is important for parents to recognize these feelings and to go through a period of mourning for their lost imaginary baby …
7 Perhaps the mosaic is correctly dated if assigned to a period of c. 300-330 .
8 I like doing jobs where I can get down and concentrate for a period
9 It was over a titbit on the floor and occurred after a period when they growled at each other at feeding time .
10 Such a selection policy is clearly professionally and publicly unacceptable , from any political grouping , and if pursued over a period of time , will surely replace education with propaganda as one of the purposes of the public library service .
11 Chapters 4 to 6 are art historical , interpreting about 800 years , beginning with a time when a miniaturist copied approved models with almost or actual religious obedience , and ending in a period in the early Renaissance when an illuminator does not even stand up when the Chancellor of France enters the room or when John of Holland can complain that Jacquemart de Hesdin has stolen his private pattern sheets in 1398 .
12 The temple must have been built and adorned in a period of some twenty years at most , probably less .
13 People sometimes find that their housing requirements change and seek after a period to move on to different kinds of residence , particularly into flats of their own .
14 In Webb the employer was allowed to put forward an explanation , which was accepted as being gender-neutral , that an employee was needed at a specific time to be trained and to cover for a period of maternity leave with the probability of being retained as a permanent employee .
15 This project aims to identify the local leaders who were responsible for chapels , schoolrooms and manses in a period of nonconformist growth , to study their place in the religious bodies they served and in the communities where they lived .
16 Such bushes tend to wear out and detach after a period of use .
17 As well as these individual homework tasks , all clients , whether phobic or non-phobic , carry out the relaxation exercises , and go through a period of self-monitoring of their levels of anxiety .
18 Since then the spots have come and gone with a period of roughly 11 years .
19 The Rutherglen Councillors were bribed by the Glasgow candidate 's supporters , as were their wives with presents of dresses and finery , but the Dixon supporters among the Rutherglen Councillors were invited down to Dumbarton and entertained for a period of ten days , including a cruise on Loch Lomond , a climb to the top of the ben and a stay at the inns at Dumbarton , Tarbet , Luss and Port of Menteith .
20 All stretches should be gradual and held for a period of 30 seconds before release .
21 Perhaps general practitioners wishing to provide some diabetic care should have a period of training in the specialty and work for a period in a diabetic clinic to enhance their experience .
22 But levied over a period of three years it brought in about £80,000 and became the prototype for later subsidies .
23 This is not only the temperament of the teacher : it represents also , with Pound , a passionate desire , not merely to write well himself , but to live in a period in which he could be surrounded by equally intelligent and creative minds .
24 ‘ Expenses are always the same as costs for a period . ’
25 Saving on housing is more than often , very unwise , when depreciated over a period of 10 years , the extra cost may be no more than a few eggs per bird extra .
26 In one study as many as 30 per cent of subjects exhibited a change in the side of the superior ear when re-tested within a period of one month ( Pizzamiglio , Pascalis and Vignati , 1974 ) .
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