Example sentences of "[adv] vary from [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The strategies naturally varied from case to case , but all addressed the broad goals outlined above and all included a publicity programme of meetings , brochures and media coverage .
2 The practical difficulties of laser-Doppler anemometry obviously vary from flow to flow ; sometimes it may be easy to mount a precision optical system around the flow , other times far from easy .
3 The actual number of Greater London boroughs controlled by each party naturally varies from election to election and is strongly affected by the national political climate .
4 The larger eddies , which do play a role in the generation of the Reynolds stress , must be more characteristic of the particular flow , since the Reynolds stress distribution necessarily varies from flow to flow .
5 Quill-written characters consist of a series of more-or-less straight strokes , simple enough for a computer to turn into numbers and analyse , but complex enough to vary from scribe to scribe .
6 The comparative implications of adopting this approach are that the meaning of what we are labelling ‘ aggression ’ will necessarily vary from case to case , depending on how the native concepts to which it is opposed vary from case to case .
7 Firstly , patients with sporadic adenomatous colorectal polyps are known to have a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer , but the possible modulation of this risk by hereditary or environmental factors will naturally vary from subject to subject .
8 the extent to which bureaucracies can indulge in co-optation will obviously vary from country to country , but the reciprocal relationship that develops between administrative agencies and client groups to the mutual benefit of each is very widespread .
9 The arm swing which pulls the club into the hitting area becomes the release action , the transition point being at about ten o'clock with the club shaft position , although this will obviously vary from player to player .
10 While the proportion received from the various sources will obviously vary from authority to authority , virtually all will receive some revenue from all three .
11 The current guidelines do not cover these matters and this will obviously vary from project to project .
12 In sum , their duties probably varied from place to place and from time to time , although there was always likely to be a strong police element , especially in those areas on or near the frontiers where military government was paramount and where the natives enjoyed only limited autonomy .
13 It depends on the individual 's attitudes , needs and priorities which clearly vary from person to person and from time to time .
14 The proportion of adolescents among the female population married or in union varies greatly among developing countries and , depending on local traditions , their problems and the perception of these problems also vary from country to country .
15 Not only is the extent of deforestation variable but the reasons why it is occurring also vary from region to region .
16 It is difficult to separate incomplete adaptation from inconsistency , especially as both vary from speaker to speaker .
17 It also varies from place to place .
18 It will also vary from child to child and will have varying results according to the stage of development which any child has reached .
19 The colour and the texture can also vary from yellow to brown .
20 The offer was backdated to April , and there were now arrears waiting to be picked up varying from £653 to £12,090 ; she hoped they would consider that it was a reasonable offer .
21 For the Liberal Democrats , Mr David Steel said : ‘ The feelings of people at what happened last night really vary from unease to repugnance that a British government should stoop to use a device which we have consistently condemned in others — namely the knock on the door in the middle of the night . ’
22 A perfectly satisfactory standard total hip replacement could be marketed for not much over £100 , but the price in Britain now varies from £250 to well over £1000 for each implant .
23 It could even vary from year to year .
24 The circumstances in which a break with the past and the need for a fresh start come about vary from country to country , but in almost every case in modern times countries have a Constitution for the very simple and elementary reason that they wanted , for some reason , to begin again and so they put down in writing the main outline , at least , of their proposed system of government .
25 However , it is a fact of life that what is considered reasonable is the product of our experience and therefore varies from person to person .
26 It therefore varies from laboratory to laboratory , but is typically in the region of 40,000 years .
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