Example sentences of "[adv] stand [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If it does not stand as a moral example to the followers of the Church , it counts for nothing .
2 By themselves , these facts do not stand as a complete answer to the challenge : if the industrial co-operative form of organisation is more efficient than the conventional form , why is it that the first has not displaced the second but has remained until recently a negligible feature of the economy and , even now , can hardly be said to have become so far of more than marginal importance ?
3 Such a response seems understandable given that it allows McFaul to explain why he is at odds with the Party while still maintaining that he is loyal to its principles and to its founder , but it can not stand as a general proposition .
4 Reactionary trade union officials who had steadfastly declared that they would not stand on a public platform with revolutionary workers , found themselves caught up in the stream and carried forward to participation in great united front unemployed demonstrations .
5 Another example is I bought some apples , which does not stand in a contrary relationship with I bought some pears .
6 Wright it was established that a director did not stand in a fiduciary relationship with his shareholders .
7 She waited for a moment and then walked off to stand in a different part of the ship .
8 One of the mill towers still stands as a private house and the old ropery is the base for an antiques shop .
9 Nowhere do Chaucer or any of his characters mock solemn moral prose , but within the Canterbury Tales such prose always stands in a thought-provoking contrast with verse of a lighter tone .
10 They also suggested that the building , whose 14 columns still stand as a striking landmark of the site , was erected probably in two phases in the first century BC .
11 It was a teacher 's stool that had once stood behind a high desk .
12 He usually stood on a little platform raised high enough to enable him to see over and past the cabins when the boat was moving .
13 In 1940 , Mannheim concluded : ’ Where unemployment and crime both stand at a high water mark , it can safely be assumed that the latter is largely due to the former . ’
14 Our two personae may have the roles of speaker and hearer , yet they ‘ may also stand in a certain linguistically-relevant relationship of status vis-à-vis one another ( parent : child , master:servant , teacher:pupil , etc . ) . ’
15 Charities for the homeless report that 5,000 new people a year arrive on the streets and that the total figure now stands at a staggering 300,000 for the whole country .
16 The Church of the Kapnikarea , built originally c. 875 and enlarged in the thirteenth century , now stands on a small island in the centre of Athens traffic .
17 He has multiplied his numbers to plague proportions , caused the extinction of 500 species of animals , ransacked the planet for fuels and now stands like a brutish infant , gloating over this meteoric rise to ascendancy , on the brink of a war to end all wars and of effectively destroying this oasis of life in the solar system .
18 The Holme Post , recording a drop of 3.9 metres since 1850 , presents an unrealistically optimistic picture of the problem , since it now stands in a damp nature reserve .
19 In this area , at least , the would-be functionalist is offered the kind of rich and intricate structure that may match the detailed organization of linguistic structure , and so can be claimed plausibly to stand in a causal relation to it .
20 ‘ Organization ’ here stands for a separate small company or a self-governed part of a large company .
21 But this time , once in a millenium , they do not simply stand outside a lighted window , looking in at what they 've lost .
22 The Tsar presides over an assembly made up predominantly of landowners , seen here standing at a respectful distance , and leading members of the Church 's hierarchy , seated at the front
23 ‘ We are today standing at a historic crossroads , ’ Mr Suzuki told a conference in ( most appositely ) Hawaii , ‘ a crossroads where the many civilizations encounter each other in this Pacific region .
24 Gently Vi eased off her shoes , wriggled her toes , then stood for a blissful moment , eyes closed .
25 In The Tempest verse again stands for a superior ethos in stark juxtaposition with prose .
26 ‘ We dined this day , ’ writes Johnson , ‘ at the house of Mr Frazer of Streichton , who shewed us in his grounds some stones yet standing of a druidical circle , and what I began to think more worthy of notice , some forest trees of full growth . ’
27 The policing of Northern Ireland therefore stands at a tense crossroads .
28 The number of plastic cards in circulation has risen from less than 10 million 10 years ago to 27 million today , while the total bank lending on cards — which in January 1980 stood at £934 million — currently stands at a massive £6.6 billion .
29 The number of plastic cards in circulation has risen from less than 10 million 10 years ago to 27 million today , while the total bank lending on cards — which in January 1980 stood at £934 million — currently stands at a massive £6.6 billion .
30 It 's a form of monologue , of course , and I could never stand before a learned judge and be cross-questioned by counsel and state upon oath all that that tree says to me .
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