Example sentences of "[adv] live [prep] [art] country " in BNC.

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1 She mostly lived in the country and she was rich .
2 You 're always saying you wished you still lived in the country .
3 He owed his life to his men , he said , and he had been horrified to discover the conditions in which they lived at home , particularly in the towns — he being a gentleman , you see , and always living in the country in comfort .
4 But in fairness to Bunce , who plays for Auckland , he has long been resident in New Zealand and had no thoughts of international rugby until approached by Western Samoa , whose 26-strong World Cup squad included only one player still living in the country .
5 She knew that he ‘ ought always to live in the country ; and someday you will with me ’ ; for the present , she encouraged him to carry out his father 's plans .
6 Thought you 'd like to know I 'm now living in a country cottage in the Cotswolds . "
7 But for most of us , even living in a country where the language you are learning is spoken , you need a teacher , you need self-discipline , and you need to work .
8 An appreciation of the unspeakable dangers that could face us if we did n't live in a country full of cuddly things interested only in eating each other helps put our fear of midges into perspective .
9 The sureness with which I carry out all motions on this return journey , the knowledge that is part of the recognition , overwhelmingly convinces me , in the dream and on waking , that I have often , often been there , although , as you know , I never lived in the country as a child , and all the lore that I needed for my little articles on Nature was garnered later from various sources .
10 Holiday memories of dinner for two complete with bottle of wine for the princely sum of a fiver are , alas , no guide to the cost of actually living in a country — especially if the holiday in question took place five years ago or more .
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