Example sentences of "[adv] result in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Deviation from such norms and mores will not only result in a social storm around both the adult and child concerned but may interfere with the child 's normal development according to normal modes of life and upbringing — in other words may affect libidinal development as this must be expected in our culture .
2 Any such attempt will necessarily result in a segmented Community with some countries further progressing towards integration while others become satellite economies .
3 Such imperfections of bowel function obviously result in a poorer quality of life for the patients concerned , suggesting that the price paid for avoidance of a permanent ileostomy may be too high in older patients .
4 To ensure formal consideration on a future agenda , a recommendation by Mexico was adopted calling for exclusive allocations for both amateur and broadcasting services around 7MHz which , it is hoped , could eventually result in a common worldwide amateur 40m band .
5 If they knew for certain that a vote of censure could not result in a general election , but would simply bring about a reshuffle in the Government , their conduct would become more robust .
6 The effect of the introduction of the 1987 expanded AIDS case definition was much less in England and Wales than elsewhere and did not result in a sharp rise in incidence among homosexual/bisexual men ( figure ) .
7 Doubling the amount of protein present did not result in a higher level of crosslinking in the presence of NCp7 .
8 Lack of appropriate data systems , lack of involvement of clinicians and a basically top-down , finance-led approach , did not result in a great deal of success for this initiative .
9 How many community language teachers have a sensitivity to variation within their own language which does not result in a damaging negation of the forms of language which their pupils are bringing into the classroom ?
10 The 1857 Divorce Act , which removed divorce from church jurisdiction , did not result in a rapid increase in the divorce rate .
11 If it does not result in a changed life , a holy life , there is no reality about it — there is , in short , no justification .
12 In this instance , alteration to LS-PCR conditions does not result in a significant alteration in the amplification pattern obtained with the female DNA .
13 Preoperative radiation treatment did not result in a significant prolongation of survival ( surgery group 8.5 months ; radiation plus surgery group 10.5 months ) .
14 The preoperative radiotherapy did not result in a significant prolongation of survival time .
15 Indeed , in most cases there is no effect at all on the premium as these sort of policies give cover of a type that will not result in a reduced premium just because a few people more or less are covered at any one time in a particular situation .
16 Mr French was also convinced that set aside will not result in a 15 per cent cut in cereal production this year .
17 Your pet may be slow in responding , and this could easily result in a serious accident .
18 It also shows how a combination of these can easily result in a local economic strategy which has clear political as well as economic goals .
19 While it might be interesting to compare Mrs. Simper 's and Sophronia 's reactions to lower servants better educated than themselves , the essential point is that a violation of the ordinary division of labour could easily result in a domestic servant losing his or her place .
20 Such a strategy would have to be very carefully designed , however , if it were not to result in a huge explosion of word hypotheses .
21 The essence of both offences would be the intrinsic quality of the driving and its deviation from the proper standard , not the consequences which happen to result or happen not to result in a particular case .
22 First established as a concept by the Catalan artist in 1984 when he announced that he would be donating 300 paintings and 3000 graphic works to the city of Barcelona , the Fundació was the subject of protracted negotiations with the local autonomous government and the Ministry of Culture in Madrid , which finally resulted in a handsome level of funding for building in which to house them .
23 The emergence of Gestalt ‘ wholes ’ ( Bruce and Green , 1985 ) or the application of Gestalt principles , as in David Marr 's work on computer vision ( Marr , 1982 ) , illustrate the kinds of matchings of similar elements which , although operating at a level of pre-awareness , nevertheless result in a conscious recognition of an image 's identity .
24 Sir Kenneth Newman — then commandant — suggests that the book 's claim to attention is that its contents are contributed by insiders ; while in their introduction , the authors claim it goes some way to challenging Holdaway 's claim ( 1979 ) that ‘ research from the Police Staff College has not resulted in a major project on the police ’ .
25 The choice of Mr Bernerd ( who recently hit the headlines in connection with the case of ex-Heritage Minister David Mellor and Ms Antonia de Sancha ) as the company 's financial backer , seems to have been an uneasy choice and has not resulted in a long-term commitment to the gallery at a difficult time for the art market .
26 Nevertheless the subordination of science to theology had not resulted in a sterile fusion .
27 The matter has not resulted in a bitter enmity between us , you know .
28 There was widespread relief that the wave of accusations of corruption against the government had not resulted in a military takeover .
29 The enormous success of the Matisse show currently at the Museum of Modern Art , New York , has coincided if not resulted in a large number of works appearing this season .
30 A charge of manslaughter can still result in a custodial sentence although for a child as young as ten it could be reduced to a supervision order .
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