Example sentences of "[adv] express [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 DORJE WANGDU : a 33-year-old electrician from Lhasa , he received a three-year term of ‘ re-education through labour ’ , without charge or trial , in September 1991 , for peacefully expressing support for the Dalai Lama , Tibet 's Buddhist leader-in-exile , and for possessing ‘ reactionary ’ documents .
2 Western governments generally expressed sympathy for the Lithuanian cause and concern at Soviet military pressure and the economic blockade , and Prunskiene was received everywhere by heads of government , but these governments did little more than call for restraint by both sides and for negotiations .
3 I have a general word of thanks to members of the Labour and Liberal Democrat parties who have given me their support and , through them , to the various councils in their areas which have also expressed support for the Bill .
4 And Ryedale again have also expressed support for the idea of a new settlement .
5 A number of lawyers also expressed admiration for the English system 's much stricter overall timetable for disclosing claims , defences and witnesses to the other side .
6 She has accused the Catholic Church of condoning child abuse , and in the past has even expressed sympathy for the IRA .
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