Example sentences of "[adv] cut [adv prt] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On the village green stood black life-size silhouette figures of fiddle and accordion players , apparently cut out from thin sheets of iron .
2 Jack 's been so cut up about poor Charlie .
3 Many of us are already cutting down on red meat , partly for health reasons but also because of , as Audrey Eyton explains ( see p.56 ) , the growing awareness that animals being farmed intensively are neither happy nor tasty .
4 India was largely cut off for long periods , and its under-developed arms and textile industries were required to supply substantial quantities of ammunition and tents to British forces in the Middle and Far East .
5 Daniel had explained to her that he liked very simple food that he could eat with one hand , because of his inability to eat without reading , and so , for supper his first night , she had brought him scrambled egg on a piece of toast that she had already cut up into precise and helpful squares .
6 Losing Out has argued that , since 1979 , a minority of the population has been progressively cut off from other people on low income , let alone those on average or high incomes .
7 We felt it right to accept the inevitable costs at this stage in the economic cycle and not to cut back on long-term plans that will strengthen the economy .
8 American publishers are noticeably cutting back on expensive art books with numerous colour illustrations .
9 She 's totally cut off from other adults during the day , and when her husband comes home in the evening , all he wants is telly and early bed … . ’
10 This was an entirely legitimate and historically well-founded practice , but Nixon carried it to extreme lengths , seeing it as a way both to cut back on federal expenditure and to impose his own order of spending priorities .
11 He , he 's really cut up about poor old Alex .
12 In fact , that is allied to their one main fault : they are rather tender , do n't like exposed positions and can be badly cut about by cold winds .
13 He realized that he ‘ was n't cut out for academic work ’ .
14 As it takes some time to get the system going and prepare the animal for recording , any one experiment can run for many hours , and as a result neurophysiologists tend , even more than any other lab scientists I know , to be erratic nightworkers and ( at least when they are graduate students ) not well cut out for normal social relations .
15 Racial , linguistic and cultural homogeneity in a nation virtually cut off from outside contacts , and the growth of national economic and political integration , in part counteracted the authorities ’ attempts to perpetuate rigid status divisions .
16 Also , if you are drinking alcohol you should stop or at least cut down on low alcohol drinks or extending alcoholic drinks with low calorie mixers can be helpful .
17 The need , however , was for a permanent body to deal with matters affecting Nonconformity , to encourage unity amongst the various denominations or at least to cut down on needless competition , to present a united Nonconformist ‘ witness ’ when required and to give a ‘ Nonconformist ’ answer to political questions whenever possible , that is , when this could be done without alienating the Methodists , especially the Wesleyans .
18 It stands in a field completely cut off from human habitation .
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