Example sentences of "[adv] cut [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Twenty years ago , many of the smaller economies were more or less cut off from the world market economy .
2 Er then he made the I 'd better cut back to the business card because you jumped into the statement of purpose erm you assum er there was an assumed er was okay erm I put superb and I ca n't remember what that actually was there .
3 My inaugural story was eagerly cut out of the paper on the Friday morning .
4 it 's not cutting out for the for the thingy
5 But these larger firms are already cutting down on the size of their student intake and , if the trend continues , will end up — as Grant Thornton has already done — recruiting and training only staff who are expected to make a career with the firm after qualifying .
6 There are only so many ways to describe a pitch and there is very little need to alter descriptions if the existing ones work perfectly well , thus cutting down on the number of major rewrites required .
7 It is useful to quote the size of the repeat when ordering fabric for curtains or blinds so that you do not cut off in the middle of a formalized pattern .
8 The dog leaped at the closest man who , encumbered with carbine and sword , could not cut down at the beast , then Sharpe 's mare slammed into the Frenchman 's horse and the big sword slashed down at the Dragoon .
9 Even the pointed vocal melodies of its strongest tracks , ‘ Stopping The World ’ and ‘ Upside Down ’ , do not cut out of the level bed of instrumentation .
10 Be best cut out with a sharp knife that something like a Stanley knife
11 I later discovered that the area was one of those settled by the original Spanish conquistadores in the 1560s ; by 1980 , Loreto itself , still largely cut off from the outside world , consisted only of a church , a school and five houses , although there were many more Indian families in houses scattered through the surrounding forest .
12 So , for the very poor the home is primarily a means by which those largely cut off from the rest of society can shelter from further threats and attacks .
13 It has also helped write rules for community cable access and worked to ensure that the poor are not cut off from the benefits of new telephone technologies .
14 A public school was more alien to his nature than his father realized : this son was not cut out for a smooth ascent of the ladder of preferment .
15 Have you decided you 're not cut out for a permanent relationship ?
16 GROWING up on a tobacco farm was enough to convince Cheryl Boston that she was not cut out for the agricultural life .
17 Fortunately , many of them know that their relatives and friends will be calling in to see them from time to time ; but ‘ from time to time ’ does not take care of those long days and nights in between , when , apart from their often desperate need for company , they feel frighteningly cut off from the world of people who would come to their aid at once if they fell ill , if only they had the means of contacting them .
18 Panama remained physically cut off from the rest of the world yesterday , with the national airport closed and under US control , and the northern border with Costa Rica sealed .
19 Although public awareness of the Third Reich is probably greater in Germany than in the US , the organisers were right not to cut down on the documentary material .
20 Vertical movement along a fault may lead to the impoundment of streams if they are flowing towards the uplifted block , whereas if they are flowing towards the down-thrown side they will rapidly cut down through the fault scarp .
21 Heavy-eyed , yawning and bewildered men appeared in doorways , and were promptly cut down by the attackers .
22 The shoots are always cut off near the ground .
23 Always cut back to an outward facing bud so that new shoots will not grow inwards toward the centre and cross each other .
24 By the Middle Ages the river had gradually cut back through the neck of land at this side of the rise , until it cut right through to where it runs now .
25 Sometimes the definitions can border on the eccentric : the American admiral who commands all his country 's ships , airmen , soldiers and marines in what the pentagon regards as ‘ the Pacific ’ — as in the admiral 's official title CINCPAC , Commander-in-Chief , Pacific — holds sway over an ocean which has its westerly shores oft Mombasa , and is arbitrarily cut off along a line running due south from the border between Mexico and Guatemala .
26 Although the lines are available for both voice and data traffic , if there is a particularly large amount of data traffic the system will automatically cut back on the number of phone calls allowed on the WAN .
27 A hole is made in the shell and a small cube of cells is carefully cut out from the posterior margin containing the polarizing region and grafted into the anterior margin of the limb bud of another embryo .
28 Its attraction for visitors is enhanced by being temporarily cut off from the mainland by the tides .
29 Ride are just going from strength to strength — one of the bands that are really cutting through at the moment .
30 ‘ You 're probably not really cut out for the life of brigandry and terrorism , ’ said Cornelius kindly .
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