Example sentences of "[adv] when [pron] come [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps when they come back they 've got six months you know they 've got a month 's work on their hands .
2 Oh well , perhaps when we come back from Sarah 's have a bit of a rest .
3 Enid and I will describe it all when we come back . ’
4 regardless when we come back well what are you going to make with it ?
5 So when we come up here to make a presentation let's put aside at the moment the content of what we actually say what do we what do we need to think about ?
6 Then when we come back to stand down , we came back to Tolbertstead well we was in Tolbertstead so the Tolbertstead canteen staff got some hot prepared some hot drinks and so when we come back we was able to have a hot drink and erm it was the duty of er the sergeants to see that the rifles were empty free , no am no , there was n't er there was n't one up the spout , one bullet left in the , in the rifle and er Sergeant , the barber , was checking our rifles anyway he , he was check , check , check , check and er alright he mischecked one and pulled the trigger and there was a bullet through the roof in the , in the he was holding it up or otherwise there 'd have been somebody on the floor but er he , he missed this one bullet through the canteen roof .
7 Put it on a very low one so when you come back about twenty past two whack it up and by sort of say three o'clock , quarter past three you can sit down and eat your grub dinner .
8 I says that 's got ta be Warren , it could n't be anybody else , so when I come down I went off like , well I tell ya I ca n't do it , so I knew it was so I picked up the wrong she says oh I 'm just ringing because you can see what the weather is she says and you could n't go and do a day in erm , with your
9 Can you bring a couple of ashtrays in when you come in ?
10 done it , she said I was reading it here and I meant to ask you for the , she said , anyway when he come back I said have you found them out , alright , he said I 've had a go he said
11 anyway when I come back in one day , she says to me , she says listen to this , a neighbour were sat here
12 I wo n't be in on Monday so people will have to come in on Monday somebody will have to come in on Monday , go to the room specified which I have n't agreed yet and then put it on and then bring it back again to so people who ca n't make it today , that that 's the alternative arrangement but I 'll tell you more when I come back at eleven o'clock , okay ?
13 Yeah I 'm like that but we had a erm conifer type tree it was only so big but and then I and when we we was unloading off the van , this come off and I dug a hole and stuck it in the garden , in the front garden just by the pathways right that 's that but I was washing the car one day , a nice hot day got my shirt off when I come in course I 'd brushed past it I 'd got patterns of the leaves on my on my back .
14 once when they come up here I had to fetch the telly out the bedroom you know
15 You could come back for like an exit with me like when we come back you ring your dad again .
16 Och he knows you 're in safe hands like when you come round here .
17 White people are given things straight when they come in — shampoo , comb , brush .
18 ‘ It will be a lovely surprise for them both when they come in , Rita 's chance at last .
19 They glance up dully when we come in .
20 But he were shook up when he come in .
21 Bill told her to stop in bed this morning and he 'd w he 'd get her up when he come in at two o'clock this afternoon .
22 Look me up when you come through .
23 Erm there 's a shop erm that 's right up when you come out at the library th on the er , pelican crossing
24 Yeah well come on then cos I want to get to mum 's cos I 'll do that washing up when I come back sha n't I ?
25 And I 'll wash up when I come back .
26 Cos I got ta wash up when I come back
27 They was all in bed it was only Joseph who was up when I come out but he was nearly gone up .
28 I 'll be back late , she said to Madeleine : I 'll lock up when I come in .
29 their high tea , were n't bothered about high tea , but still , er then , they 'd have , they might have a supper because she ai n't been a work , their elderly , they perhaps have a good tea , the they , they went to bed at nine and they said if I was reading something , they said , you know turn the gas out when you come up and , there you are well you can see , if one landlady gave me egg for me lunch that I had n't had , they not , they were n't gon na feed you up at supper time were they ?
30 I 'd better go and get me crisps I 'll sort this out when I come back .
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