Example sentences of "[adv] go along [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 On Aug. 28 , the Interior Minister , Daouda Rabiou , made a statement on national television apparently going along with the men 's action , and the government subsequently seemed powerless to do otherwise .
2 In the second incident , involving the credit card , he had only gone along for the ride , and had not used the card himself , said Mr Harper .
3 I really only went along to the interviews for a lark , as company for a friend .
4 Then , after dealing with the Grand Slam Cup and explaining how he only went along with the idea after insisting that the event would also produce $2m for the development of the game in ‘ third world tennis countries , he went on :
5 ‘ I said you were crazy not to go along with the Corporation 's proposals , did n't I ?
6 ‘ The ambition is certainly not to go along at the existing size , growing by 5 per cent a year .
7 However , as I said , the industry broadly goes along with the CITB 's proposals and with this order , which embodies them .
8 So erm I was feeling a bit edgy about this when we were in the pub after the concert cos I thought maybe he 's reading things into it and I , you know , I was just going along for the music .
9 When he first advocated these ideas Hare largely went along with the view of most attitudinists that a correct account of the meaning of ethical language has no definite implications as to what moral views one should take .
10 It is becoming increasingly popular — why not go along to a meeting near you ?
11 It is becoming increasingly popular — why not go along to a meeting near you ?
12 ‘ I was in the war , ’ the poppy-seller at Charing Cross said , to explain why he could not go along with the media insistence that this was a good news story .
13 The right hon. Member for Chingford said that he can not go along with the negotiations at Maastricht because he wants to protect Britain from ’ rabid dogs and dictators ’ — some might say from himself .
14 If you are walking in an area where adders are found — dry heath and common land — then as long as you do not go along like a herd of elephants there is a fair chance of coming across one .
15 Oh we just go along with a blow lamp .
16 I 'd decided to relax and just go along with the ‘ package ’ that he offered .
17 Of course you can view it , as some bridle-riders do , as a holiday for your horse — you just go along for the ride .
18 But do members just go along for the ride ?
19 ‘ Look , could n't we just go along to the pub and have a quiet drink and talk about fishing instead ? ’ he pleaded .
20 It usually goes along with the claim that the ‘ technical ’ division of labour , i.e. the actual distribution of tasks , is in some sense subordinate to the social division .
21 And the staff still go along to the club as social members .
22 We could always go along to the ward-room . ’
23 He also went along with the Bowlby theory to the extent of discouraging mothers from working : ‘ the extra money she might earn or the satisfaction she might receive is not so important after all . ’
24 The Senate will probably go along with the conference 's wishes .
25 Fortunately most old people are all in favour of precautions of any kind , and if , in addition , you can tell her truthfully that you have just such a ‘ hospital case ’ packed for yourself at home , for an emergency , she will probably go along with the idea very willingly .
26 Crucially , the psychoanalytic rationalization of sexual difference as a tragic split which in turn effects the failure of identity often goes along with an account of the alleged narcissistic limitations and failures of homosexuality .
27 In fact , contrary to a persistent theme in neoclassical economics , competition between giant ‘ dominant firms ’ is often fiercer than the competition between small enterprises in unconcentrated markets : increasing scale often goes along with the development of a keener rationality of profit .
28 sort of really go along with the process .
29 People from the upper classes were getting on the move , and photography often went along for the ride .
30 People from the upper classes were getting on the move , and photography often went along for the ride .
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