Example sentences of "[adv] from behind the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 but that 's only putting his hand out without being brutal about it , that 's not as dangerous as being coming out entirely from behind the shield .
2 No tall figure loomed over the till as she was serving , or appeared suddenly from behind the window displays .
3 Sometimes a particularly bold individual will risk a real attack , swooping in from behind the owl and striking at its plumage .
4 Marion Aluinn moved quietly away from behind the doorpost .
5 But residual anger grunts quickly from behind the spontaneity , and I dress in silence .
6 He had asked the questions at every interrogation but always from behind the sanctuary of a powerful table lamp .
7 I 'll take them later , ’ Philpott muttered gruffly from behind the newspaper .
8 When his father began talking again , a little irritated frown wrinkled his smooth young brow , but although he made a great play of concentrating fiercely on his reading , he still listened carefully from behind the book to what was being said .
9 With that , Dick changed course , and in a short while they came up from behind the Shuttle .
10 Of a sudden , the Harlequin man sprang up from behind the dune beyond .
11 ‘ It was a Venusian lullaby , ’ the Doctor said , clambering up from behind the table and cramming his hat back on to his head .
12 At the ‘ Enquiries ’ desk a young man with a strange , flattened haircut looked up from behind the counter .
13 When he left , with his green and tomato boxes heaped on his Selected Ash , they nodded affably from behind the issue desk .
14 Donna stuck her head out from behind the chipboard wall .
15 When the sun came out from behind the fog , the world turned golden and beautiful .
16 And you know the bit where erm she 's in bed and the hand comes out from behind the pillow and it goes over the back of her head and she goes , she goes , she was so cute she goes , she goes , what a pile of shit ! and when , you know when she cleans up all the cornflakes ?
17 Troy turned to Boldwood , who had stepped out from behind the tree , his face white and his whole body trembling .
18 A grey thing came out from behind the tree and came towards me .
19 As they stepped out from behind the tree , a figure , walking rapidly and glancing back over his shoulder , stepped off the pavement a few yards up and came at them on a collision course .
20 But if the Mother of God heard , she must have decided that the cause was not a worthy one , for as Jennifer moved out from behind the dovecot she felt herself seized from behind .
21 Rust manoeuvred his wheelchair out from behind the desk and stopped it in the centre of the room .
22 The girl finished stacking the guide books and slipped out from behind the desk .
23 He came out from behind the desk , and gestured at the sofa .
24 As I drew nearer , a man stepped out from behind the Golf .
25 Two five-dollar bills had fallen out from behind the encyclopedia just when she was needing money so badly .
26 Richmann stepped out from behind the door with a gun trained on her .
27 Secure the door to the archway so that it is ajar , and stick the pixie 's head behind so that it is peeping out from behind the door .
28 A recorded voice was booming out from behind the pay-booth where some Americans were pushing their jerky way through .
29 From what I could see , peeping out from behind the lace curtains in the living-room , nobody was admitting to much .
30 You 'd better dig your Flann O'Brien out from behind the radiator . ’
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