Example sentences of "[adv] by the european [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 COLIN Montgomerie was yesterday fined £1,000 and told to get his act together by the European Tour chief executive , Ken Schofield , who was upset by his fellow-Scot 's criticism of the King 's Course at Agadir in last week 's Moroccan Open .
2 ‘ In determining any question as to the meaning or effect of any provision contained in Schedule 4 — ( a ) regard shall be had to any relevant principles laid down by the European Court in connection with Title II of the 1968 Convention and to any relevant decision of that court as to the meaning or effect of any provision of that Title ; …
3 At first sight this provision might seem to be a contradiction in terms , but some light is cast upon it by the Declaration appended at the end of the Single European Act , which , whatever its legal status may be , states that the conference considered that the provisions of Article 130R(5) ( 2 ) did not affect the principles resulting from the judgment handed down by the European Court in the ERTA case .
4 The publisher who suffers an adverse judgment is not the only victim : the decision echoes down the corridors of the common law , until shouted down by the European Court or the British Parliament .
5 Other restrictions are less justifiable : the routine exclusion of the media from " in chambers " hearings relating to property in divorce cases , to bail applications in Crown Courts , and to applications for injunctions and eviction orders in the Queen 's Bench Division of the High Court are breaches of the " open justice " principle which may in due course be struck down by the European Court of Human Rights .
6 FoE 's case rests on the fact that levels are above the standards laid down by the European Commission .
7 Does the Foreign Secretary accept that there should be general acceptance of the criteria laid down by the European Community on recognition , but that there might be some stricture about the speed of recognition , especially for Yugoslavia ?
8 Parliament , had it been required to do so by the European Court of Human Rights , could have made a small , interstitial alteration of the law by , for example , merely amending the relevant section of the Birth and Death Registration Act 1953 ; or used the opportunity to undertake a wholesale revision of the law as it affects transsexuals .
9 Now this also could mean that under a future Labour government if they wish to support certain industries , they will not be allowed to do so by the European community .
10 This hit carpets and furniture retailing particularly hard , as did new furniture fire regulations brought in by the European Commission piecemeal .
11 Hence it is appropriate that the recitals should be used as an aid to interpretation not only by the European Court itself , but by any court dealing with the interpretation of a Community legal text , for example a British court or tribunal of any level .
12 The umbrella was adopted by the Church in the medieval period and later by the European nobility as a kind of moveable canopy of state , similar to that which was suspended over thrones .
13 These problems were highlighted in a report issued by the EEC itself , from a survey carried out by the European Science Foundation .
14 The application to join will be discussed today by the European Commission 's monetary committee of senior treasury officials .
15 Perversely , unilateral action , even by the European Community , could have the effect of increasing carbon dioxide emissions .
16 One in five trees in 24 European countries is severely damaged by pollution , according to a report prepared jointly by the European Commission and UN Economic Commission for Europe .
17 This did not imply , however , that they had necessarily been approved either by the European Parliament or by the various national parliaments and the Commission complained that Italy had implemented fewer than half of them .
18 It both proposes legislation and has to decide ( subject to any final decision by the Council ) whether to accept any amendment put forward by the European Parliament .
19 In doing so they favoured a more flexible approach than that contained in the proposals put forward by the European Commission .
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