Example sentences of "[adv] do not tell [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 Just do n't tell anyone !
2 But I still did n't tell anyone .
3 Well do n't tell everybody cos then they 'll change
4 And please do n't tell everyone how wonderful he is too often .
5 ‘ Twenty-eight A. Please hurry , and please … ’ there was anxiety now , ‘ … please do n't tell anyone you 're coming . ’
6 Please do n't tell anyone in the village that you 've seen me , ’ begged the girl .
7 Please do n't tell anyone about my marriage .
8 Please do n't tell anybody . ’
9 Er for example Claire 's on the er board as you know non Executive Director on er I 've just er become honorary treasurer of the I 'm , not quite sure whether that 's a plus or a minus at this point in time er and also volunteered to be Chairman of an Airport Supporters ' Group so please do n't tell anybody where I live
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