Example sentences of "[adv] do [pron] think you " in BNC.

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1 So do you think you 're inventing your own tradition , which is a perfectly time honoured and respectable thing to do , or do you think you 're harking back to an old tradition or or what ?
2 Erm so do you think you got it sorted out roughly ?
3 So do you think you 're going to get on alright with fractions ?
4 So do you think you do you think the police do a lot er do enough to help help you with those type of problems ?
5 So do you think you 're ?
6 So do you think you 're go you 're tomorrow after ten ?
7 Do n't talk with your mouth full , last two there so do you think you 'll get anything happen Thursday then or do n't you honestly know , just ask them
8 ‘ Howard , ’ says Phil , ‘ how long do you think you could have sat here being at one with the infinite before you 'd felt your bottom aching and your scalp itching ? ’
9 How long do you think you can talk for ?
10 How long do you think you remained guarding Mr on the floor ?
11 Now , at the moment you 're staying with your parents in Oxford , how long do you think you 'll be able to , to stay here ?
12 How long did she think you were gon na bloody tape like ?
13 ‘ What exactly do you think you 're doing , Deveraugh ?
14 They were tantalizingly obscure — no sooner did you think you 'd begun to grasp the gist when it slipped through your fingers .
15 Now d' you think you 'll be all right managing things on your own tonight ?
16 mm , I shall er get the other lot in and do that , do that first thing in the morning , get every thing cleared up , and then if you give me your pull overs , I can hand wash those and put them in the spin drier so you 'd better sort them out do you think you 'd of put some tassels in that pelmet ? , you know where the I 've got some spare one 's no , do n't you remember I went into and he gave me a piece of the trimming and I can take the tassels off
17 Well do you think you could pop upstairs and look and see if I 've got by any chance have
18 Well do you think you 're brother could ?
19 Right do you think you
20 ‘ And what right do you think you have to assault me like this ? ’
21 " And look here , man , how d' you think you 're going to pay for it ?
22 How d' you think you 're going to feel , Joey , when we come face to face with a herd of elephant or a tawny tiger out there ? "
23 How did you think you were going to get by without me to explain everything to you ? ’ asks Phil reasonably .
24 How do ye think ye are so fat : It 's me should be complaining .
25 How do you think you did ? ’
26 ‘ Well , how do you think you can change it , Mother ? ’
27 How do you think you will cope with the lack of … area of experience ?
28 For example you may ask , ‘ How do you think you will manage working with a large number of school-leavers in the department ? ’
29 Emotionally and behaviourally , how do you think you are like or unlike your mother and father ?
30 How do you think you 'd spell classic ?
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