Example sentences of "[adv] in the same direction " in BNC.

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1 His back was to her , he was toddling along purposefully in the same direction as her , across that bleak empty landscape .
2 There is no need to cross the stitches constantly in the same direction .
3 In a free society , the regulation of such material is always problematic , with social mores shifting from generation to generation — and not always in the same direction .
4 Without this first step there is no beginning , and every subsequent step in the search takes one further but always in the same direction .
5 These great masses moved steadily , noiselessly and always in the same direction .
6 If we make up a helical coil ( Fig. 4.2(b) ) the wires are going round always in the same direction so the voltages simply add and we may rewrite eqn ( 4.13 ) in the form
7 These differences were always in the same direction — more pronounced hormonal responses and more reporting of symptoms with porcine insulin .
8 Start a Shuttle and a space walker off in the same direction and at the same speed , and they stay together following exactly the same path round the Earth .
9 She looked at him wide-eyed for a second , then ran off in the same direction as Isay .
10 We are all used to thinking of the Earth as some kind of large magnet , with two magnetic poles located quite near the geographic North and South Poles , so that the needle of a compass always lines up in the same direction .
11 Scientists have known for some time that fusion reactions between nuclei of deuterium and tritium are more likely if the nuclear spins line up in the same direction .
12 In the UK , Japan and the US there have been a spate of deregulatory initiatives taken by government , and European governments are also moving more slowly in the same direction .
13 He said he just carried on in the same direction .
14 And wherever she might wander , she always set out in the same direction .
15 All of the planets circle around the Sun elliptically in the same direction as the Sun itself rotates .
16 He was irritated by my disbelief and pointed forcefully in the same direction as before , shouting , ‘ Reggane ! ’
17 Separate the £50 , £20 , £10 , £5 , £1 notes and stack them face upwards in the same direction .
18 The Prison Department in England is moving tentatively in the same direction .
19 Harry watched it until it had turned into Emlyn Square , then began walking unsteadily in the same direction .
20 By peering hard in the same direction , I could just make out the faint flicker of a distant plane .
21 They were all thrown forward in the same direction .
22 Semantic structure and context ‘ operate either in the same direction as or counter to ’ linear modification ( Firbas , 1974 : 22 ) , but both are hierarchically superior to it .
23 Thereupon the world reverses its rotation and everything starts to deteriorate until God reasserts his control and lets the universe rotate once again in the same direction as before .
24 Even with a perfectly judged autorotation , there may still be some tendency for the model to swing round in the same direction as the blade rotation .
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