Example sentences of "[adv] in the [adj] century " in BNC.

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1 When Cardinal Wolsey fell , he had n't finished the building of Tom Quad , the whole of this side was left open because he 'd planned a very grand perpendicular chapel like King 's College Chapel , and erm the ruins , well no , not the ruins , the foundations were still to be seen apparently in the 17th Century John Gomley tells us .
2 However , while for many philosophers , especially in the present century , these are two different sorts of question , for Kant they are essentially one .
3 Literally thousands of patches of old lazy-beds can be seen throughout the Hebrides today as a clear testimony to land pressure , especially in the 19th century .
4 Families from the towns and villages of the county emigrated in large numbers , especially in the 19th century , and their spread and influence can be judged by the number of Ayrshire place-names to be found throughout the world .
5 Many thousands of separate natural minerals which fit this definition have been described , and , especially in the nineteenth century , scientists spent decades of their lives in searching out new ones .
6 As a consequence of this concept of an historical construction of sexuality , a third point of contact lies in the rejection , both by the interactionists and Foucault , of the notion that the history of sexuality — especially in the nineteenth century — can fruitfully be seen in terms of ‘ repression ’ .
7 In this period of cultural technology , and especially in the nineteenth century , the reproducibility of print was very much ahead of most other kinds of artistic reproduction , and this made the question of property in the work acute .
8 The landed rich became economically active , especially in the eighteenth century , through the rise of commercialised farming , banking , and trade with the colonies .
9 The importance of ministers grew especially in the eighteenth century .
10 The town itself is in most respects unremarkable by comparison with its Devon neighbours , and like many of them flourished especially in the seventeenth century , heyday of the West Country cloth trade : when Celia Fiennes passed close by in 1698 , she found all Exeter and the country around making ‘ an incredible quantity of serges ’ which were sent from the port of Topsham to be sold in Europe .
11 For example , the day commemorating the massacre of the Holy Innocents , 28 December , was regarded as a day of particular ill-omen , especially in the fifteenth century .
12 The story goes that ealy in the last century the then owner , a reverend David Edwards made a good marriage to a rich but stout lady , Miss Purnell .
13 Sudden bursts of anger over wrongs and grievances by seamen were common enough in the eighteenth century — over wages at Southampton in 1739 , Bristol in 1746 , London in 1750 , 1768 and 1770 and Liverpool in 1762 and 1775 , and over the employment of foreigners at lower wages in London in 1773 and 1783 , are among those incidents of which we have evidence .
14 Such trade was difficult enough in the seventeenth century .
15 It has shrunk a little since it first started there , perhaps in the tenth century , but it is still one of the largest open-air markets in the country .
16 It is the totality of these new enclosures , beginning perhaps in the seventeenth century and increasing rapidly through the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that , together with the industrial and urban development discussed in the following chapters .
17 This smaller and shyer animal once ranged from the Spanish Sierra Nevada to the Urals , but has suffered greatly in the last century from hunting and the disturbance of agricultural development .
18 This was more so in the nineteenth century as Nonconformity grew stronger and more involved in the mainstream of national life , but it had always been the case .
19 ( The Sinfonia Concertante in E flat for oboe , clarinet , bassoon and horn which is played today under Mozart 's name appeared only in the 19th century : some of the music may be Mozart 's , but the work is clearly a later compilation . )
20 Only in the nineteenth century did some of them find their way into the new museums .
21 Only in the nineteenth century did excavations reveal a major Roman temple to Mercury at Magdalensberg , and the youth was almost certainly the cult statue .
22 One of these was four metres high , the tallest bird that ever lived , and was finally killed off ( tragically ) only in the nineteenth century .
23 ( Nor , it may be added , was it only in the nineteenth century that this stratagem was adopted : it has figured in a good deal of more recent writing as well .
24 Only in the nineteenth century did widespread protests against this kind of thinking break out within the main stream of Reformed theology itself .
25 These materials had not always been associated ; it was only in the nineteenth century that iron smelting came to the coalfields because of technological and economic convenience .
26 So it was only in the nineteenth century when all the loopholes had been stopped up that marriage became in fact what it had always been in theory , indissoluble .
27 Only in the nineteenth century did it begin to include the unfair management of people or things .
28 Pauper apprenticeship , like child labour in general , was not a particular novelty of the factory system , although its use in coal mining seems to have developed only in the nineteenth century and to have been largely localised to the Black Country .
29 Serious scientific attempts to explain the major structural and relief features of the Earth began only in the nineteenth century .
30 In Roman times , Oloron was already a place of substance , by name Iluro , but after the Romans went it was much attacked , by invading Vascons from Spain , by Arabs , and by Vikings ; only in the eleventh century did it recover , under the counts of Béarn .
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