Example sentences of "[adv] the result [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The temporary grassland area has increased ( by 12% ) in this period , presumably the result of cultivation of previous permanent grassland on lower slopes and valley bottoms .
2 The allocation policy is apparently the result of production difficulties .
3 Perhaps the result of jealousy , some man sickened and tired of the king seducing or pursuing a woman .
4 The short-eared owl assemblages have a slightly higher than expected proportion of postcrania , and the snowy owl , red fox , mongoose and coyote all have very much higher values , perhaps the result of decapitation of prey and loss of the skull .
5 Their work is obviously the result of struggle , of trying to create something coherent without knowing exactly what that something is , or how to find it .
6 Their different paths can seem as much the result of luck , accident or opportunity as any capacity to distinguish between right and wrong .
7 She might be able to convince herself that the momentary flash of madness she 'd experienced , in thinking that she was falling in love with Luke Calder , was merely the result of stress , but it did n't change the fact that she was greatly attracted to him , and that was where the true danger lay .
8 It trivialises the issue to say that it was merely the result of panic — although there was certainly panic in good measure .
9 The implication is that such conflicts as there have been in the past were merely the result of misunderstanding .
10 Each new kind of medium is likely to have its own built in obsolescence whether deficiencies these are inherent or merely the result of replacement by newer and more efficient technologies .
11 All these things prevent the body 's energy flowing smoothly , and those energy ‘ road-blocks ’ are not only the result of stress — they can also compound the problem .
12 Doubts now only the result of panic , he wrote .
13 Most importantly , this was almost entirely the result of immigration , first from the European countries and , following the First World War , from southern USA .
14 The change of context can influence only an excitatory association and thus the result of Fig. 4.6 , a loss of the CR , can be expected .
15 It was nothing personal , just the result of usage .
16 Also , they are not just the result of powerplay within the organization .
17 That was just the result of fatigue .
18 But , assuming we do incorporate such considerations , the tendency is to interpret such mobility as again largely the result of capital 's needs , with workers being uprooted simply to increase their monetary rewards , and capital benefiting as a result .
19 The cratering of the terrestrial planets today is largely the result of exposure to asteroids and comet debris , each planet sharing to a significant extent a common population .
20 The fact that adjectives have to be placed in front of nouns in English , for instance , means that their occurrence in this position has little or no significance because it is not the result of choice .
21 For the examiner may not agree that the fact is implied in the question ; but he will not mind about this if he sees that your assumption is not the result of carelessness but is your considered interpretation of the question .
22 The erasure was probably not the result of weathering , because Mercury has probably never possessed a significant atmosphere and certainly not for any length of time .
23 This is not the result of incompetence , but rather the consequences of an understandable ignorance .
24 The employment White Paper was published under a coalition dominated by Conservatives and Labour , but it was not the result of discussion within each party , and although leading politicians on both sides endorsed its policy it would be wrong to say that it reflected the considered view of either party .
25 It may , for example , be a defence to a charge of abusive dominance to establish that a market position is a result of advanced technical know-how or research and development capacity or marketing and advertising advantages which command consumer loyalty , and not the result of foreclosure of the relevant market .
26 They are ‘ natural ’ because they are not planned and because the order they display is not the result of design
27 John Merrill has concluded that the rebellion was probably not the result of conspiracy but rather of the geographical remoteness of the island , the tenuous nature of government authority , and ancient grievances against Seoul .
28 On Malta two losses were suffered during early May which were not the result of enemy activity .
29 Consequently most accidents , and there were nearly 500 of them during the 1970s , were not the result of employee thoughtlessness but emerged directly out of the contradictory demands made upon the workforce .
30 Marx 's contribution is to see ideology as having its origins in the social relations characteristic of the mode of production and not the result of prejudice in the individual .
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