Example sentences of "[adv] live [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 The family A useful definition is : ‘ a kinship network spanning three or more generations and involving relatives who do not necessarily live in the same house ’ ( Graham , 1984 , p.17 ) .
2 Every separatist movement in Europe that I can think of bases itself on ‘ ethnicity ’ , linguistic or not , that is to say on the assumption that ‘ we ’ — the Basques , Catalans , Scots , Croats , or Georgians are a different people from the Spaniards , the English , the Serbs or the Russians , and therefore we should not live in the same state with them .
3 However , this only applies if you do not live in the same house as your landlord .
4 This section of the policy does not apply if the Policyholder 's wife/husband does not normally live at the same address as the Policyholder e.g. if Policyholder and wife are separated .
5 Although there was n't a separation announcement , we were told that the Prince and Princess of Wales would no longer live under the same roof .
6 From now till this snow siege ended , she would simply live under the same roof , but keep to her own side of an invisible barrier , she decided .
7 These people do n't live in the same century . ’
8 Unlike other exiles , however , she did n't live in the half hope that she might .
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