Example sentences of "[adv] closely at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So , what can you learn from looking so closely at the actor on stage , TV and cinema ?
2 The introduction of the microcomputer into the environment allows us to look much more closely at the type of information required on personnel and how to use it to best advantage .
3 To understand the basis of this division , we should look more closely at the construction of organisms .
4 We now look more closely at the absentees in relation to two factors ; gender and school stage .
5 To appreciate fully the origin of these offences we must look more closely at the kind of theories held by the pupils .
6 This meant that sociologists have had to look more closely at the idea of ‘ skill ’ , at the kinds of skills which were being introduced , and at the effects of the Youth Training Scheme upon both the labour market and upon young people .
7 We will therefore look more closely at the idea of ‘ managing ’ conflict .
8 Our need to look more closely at the working relationship is not that strife and strikes are an issue of constant interest , nor that work conflicts are part of the distressing experience of vast numbers .
9 But we begin by looking more closely at the problem of externalities .
10 Looking more closely at the authorities who directly budgeted money , 90% of counties were in this group , and 73% of Outer London authorities ( see Table 18 ) .
11 We shall look more closely at the relationship between the dramatic playing and performance modes in the next chapter .
12 First , it is necessary to look more closely at the relationship between profit maximisation and aggregate wealth maximisation , and to introduce an additional reservation .
13 In order to look more closely at the assistance reading can give to growth — in both its cognitive ( intellectual ) and affective ( emotional ) aspects — we adopt the list of types of development mentioned in the last chapter .
14 But look more closely at the statistics , look at what is really happening on the streets and in the shops , look at how people 's lives are changing , and it becomes clear that things are not nearly as bad as they are painted .
15 In seven tightly reasoned chapters , the author lays out the traditional interpretation of Gris as it was advanced by Apollinaire , Kahnweiler , Maurice Raynal , Zervos and other colleagues and critics who had known the artist and followed his development , and then proceeds to question their assumptions by looking more closely at the works themselves than any other scholar had previously done .
16 The final two chapters look more closely at the interaction between top-down and bottom-up information given the experimental results .
17 As was suggested earlier , there are good reasons for not identifying democracy solely with a system of government ; nevertheless we must look a little more closely at the notion of consent .
18 In 1931 , Horton visited Denmark to look more closely at the Folk Schools and their relationships with the trade unions , farmers ' co-operatives , and other cultural and social movements , and though he was in part disappointed by the fact that the Folk Schools had moved away from their original aims and methods , he was able to speak to many people who were involved in this movement and added another dimension to the idea which was eventually to find its expression in Highlander .
19 This argument seems to have had some effect , for while the Chancellor of the Exchequer was asked to look more closely at the dollar costs of overseas forces , the Defence Ministry 's view that no further cuts in forces should be sought was accepted .
20 Sara said , ‘ What was all that noise ? – She looked more closely at the figures and turned away from him .
21 Before looking more closely at the reasons why children come into care , and at the numbers involved , it is necessary to look briefly at the main legislation in this field and the powers and duties of the child care service .
22 If this were a study in local history we should now , of course , be looking ever more closely at the ups and downs of everyday life in Frome .
23 Peer more closely at the faces : on one side , heading south , all are black ; on the other , heading north , nearly all are white .
24 Let us look more closely at the Government 's argument .
25 However , before describing the dispute and the practices of the two main schemes to emerge out of the compromise , it will be useful to look more closely at the work of the ASEA which , in its legacy to the service , was the most influential of all the voluntary agencies .
26 To understand the processes behind the definition of housework rules it is necessary to look more closely at the way in which women identify with the role of housewife ; this is the subject of the next chapter .
27 We need to look more closely at the applications of mathematics and to consider using mathematics to challenge racist assumptions .
28 On examining their find more closely at the pump-house , they found that the box was of stout construction and very old .
29 I shall be looking more closely at the implications of this point of view later , but here I want to suggest that in emphasising the importance of reflection Dorothy Heathcote has overstated the case .
30 In the next three chapters we look more closely at the texture of essay-writing .
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