Example sentences of "[adv] live in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Participation could perhaps be increased if the event is planned beforehand ; for example , it might be an advantage if groups of children who all live in the same area arranged to meet and cycle to school together .
2 You see some of them only live in a small cottage with no garden and that 's an extension to their home , you can go down there with the children
3 Ghosts only live in the dim light .
4 It is a often a nursery for fish species that normally live in the separate worlds of freshwater rivers or the sea .
5 We still live in a dangerous and turbulent world .
6 Yeah if that one , that Elizabeth Terrace one is , is the one I think it is which is the one fairly near the end in that in that bottom , bottom row I think the live in the first one , they still live in the first one on the corner .
7 They have two daughters who still live in the 50-bedroom Cassillis Castle , near Ayr .
8 ‘ Oh , they still function and still live in the married quarters with their families .
9 In many ways , the Lebanon of 1892 is still identifiable to us , for the various religious communities — the minority tribes — still live in the same villages and cities as they did then .
10 I still live in the same place , but I try to vary my route , to fight laziness .
11 If a Muslim , she usually marries a cousin who lives in the same village so at least the surroundings are familiar to her ; but among Hindus and Sikhs the husband 's family nearly always live in a different village ( because a woman must marry outside her kin ) .
12 The South American and the African weakly electric fish are quite unrelated to each other , but both live in the same kinds of waters in their respective continents , waters that are too muddy for vision to be effective .
13 I now live in a new house which has as much character as either of my previous homes — but without the rising damp and woodworm .
14 I now live in a small Perthshire village , substantially less homogeneous than the one in which I grew up but in which there are also a few catholic families and where the majority are of presbyterian Scottish/Ulster stock .
15 We now live in a global village … a simultaneous happening .
16 In a sense we now live in a forgiven world .
17 They got married and they now live in a beautiful flat in the centre of London . ’
18 Those at the conference table are not Palestine Liberation Organisation representatives working out of Tunis but people who actually live in the occupied territories , who have been deprived of their homeland , as they see it , and who are now looking to the future and trying to negotiate some kind of settlement .
19 ‘ You certainly live in a splendid spot , ’ Leith struggled up out of being conscience-stricken to remark .
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