Example sentences of "[adv] associated with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Here are a few words , all associated with the hand :
2 The grid street plan is believed to have originated earlier and further east , possibly in Mesopotamia , but the concept is familiarly associated with the name of Hippodamos , a Greek philosopher and town planner who lived in the early fifth century B.C. This is due to Aristotle who ascribed its invention to Hippodamos who was born in Miletos .
3 Certain words , such as ’ lend ’ , ’ property ’ and ’ advance ’ are highly associated with the node ( ’ mortgage ’ ) ; whilst ’ advice ’ and ’ term ’ show a weaker association .
4 Age Clearly the age of the child is highly associated with the occurrence of bedwetting .
5 Their distinctive features have been chronicled ( with evident pride ) by Schaffer ( 1970 ) and Evans ( 1972 ) ; the first because , as a civil servant , he had been much associated with the programme , the second because it was written for the Town and Country Planning Association , long the champions of planned dispersal .
6 It marks a change of speed for a business long associated with the work of Erte ; the artist 's death , and the end of a lease , have prompted a reconsideration and director Ray Perman has decided that now is the right time to relaunch the gallery with a series of exhibitions .
7 A tour of the inner court around the keep can take in ‘ All the Queen 's Men ’ , a lively exhibition telling the story of the Queen 's Regiment , long associated with the castle .
8 Literal mnemonics are abbreviations or letters which are easily associated with the name of a subject .
9 The quotation from Isaiah is not part of the Jewish scriptures normally associated with the expectation of the Messiah .
10 She was twenty-eight years of age with the kind of breathtaking allure normally associated with the cover of a glossy fashion magazine .
11 The interaction between stimulation from hindbrain structures normally associated with the transmission of sensory information , and cortical structures normally devoted to integrating sensory input of this sort , gives rise to dreaming .
12 If no direct association is found , interpretive rules are applied to attempt an indirect association , through one of the frames normally associated with the object but not yet associated with the text .
13 He opened a new housing complex for the elderly , but with none of the pomp and formality normally associated with the job .
14 This is not a matter of a reversion to the consideration of the city as a distinctive cultural form , an idea which is most generally associated with the work of Simmel but which was also essential to classic Chicago school urban ecology .
15 The mock events turn out to reproduce the data only when the quarks and gluons are made to convert differently into particles , for the comparison with theory shows that the lowest-energy jet is generally associated with the gluon .
16 These days the word ‘ tourist ’ is generally associated with the package holiday-maker who follows a known itinerary and for whom all the arrangements are made by a travel company .
17 The river of Rat , Mole and Otter , which flowed past proud Toad Hall and had the threatening Wild Wood close by , was generally associated with the Thames , beside which Grahame spent many of his younger — and older — years .
18 To many , invisible earnings are often just associated with the banking and other financial and insurance services provided by institutions in the City of London .
19 Many of the old weaving districts ( Kazak , Shirvan , Kuba , Baku , Karabagh , Gendje , Talish , Moghan , Daghestan and Derbend ) , villages and towns ( Erivan , Chichi , Fachralo , etc ) either no longer exist under their traditional names or are no longer associated with the rugs marketed under their names .
20 This powerful movement , whose origins are ancient and obscure but which in its modern form can be said to date from the foundation of the Grand Lodge of England in 1717 , was soon associated with the spread of Enlightenment ideals through Europe : its ranks included princes , aristocrats , diplomats , merchants , bankers and civil servants — free-thinkers and rationalists of the upper and middle classes — as well as intellectuals and artists .
21 In the context of the reports that subjects make on going to sleep it is clear that much dreamlike activity goes on which is not associated with the syndrome of EEG , EOG and EMG activity defining REM sleep .
22 What she saw was a ruddy face not associated with the effects of the sun , but it was still difficult to know whether to be flattered or annoyed .
23 By attempting to show that the monetary changes were not associated with the changes in national income , they concluded that it must be the change in the money supply that causes the change in national income .
24 the user is not associated with the DC , in which case the correct user name should be used or the managership of the DC transferred to the required user .
25 These results further indicate that the formation of the siderite concretions is not associated with the activity of methanogenic bacteria .
26 Most of those that are clumped , however , are in groups not associated with the topography , while some species are restricted to particular kinds of site : Ocotea skutchii , for example , is always on slopes .
27 A 521 word text was written from a randomly selected business text , not associated with the LOB corpus .
28 It was not associated with the occult until the eighteenth century at the earliest .
29 Although Mannaia were the largest single group of committee members , most of them ( about two thirds ) were from Tazarbu and from lineages not associated with the struggle.s Moreover , the more important policy and spending chairmanships went mostly to people from this group or to Jlulat .
30 Speitel had reportedly renounced the armed struggle and was not associated with the hunger strike ; she was released on June 30 , 1990 , having served 12 years of her sentence .
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