Example sentences of "[adv] easily [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Because it 's a feminine trait that women are , on the whole , far erm less easily aroused into combat .
2 Decretal letters , in answer to queries about particular legal points , came to be the major source of declaration during the twelfth century , more numerous than the decrees of councils but not so easily disseminated for use .
3 If people were no longer so easily frightened into docility , new ways would have to be found to make them ductile .
4 In passing judgement on these crucial issues the historian is so easily blinkered by hindsight .
5 ‘ CT ST N T MT , ’ will soon be exposed by crossword buffs as ‘ The cat sat on the mat , ’ but place names are not so easily guessed by context .
6 Men are not quite so easily put off sex .
7 Indeed , Ramsay 's secret societies , the Nordic League and the Right Club , were so easily penetrated by intelligence agents , and the government has now released some of this material , that when this information is checked against independent sources it becomes possible to present a plausible account of what the British fascists were up to during 1939 and 1940 .
8 Early mouse embryos and their component cells are most easily manipulated during fixation and immunocytological staining if stuck down to coverslips .
9 Small panels of bold , simple very low relief are perhaps most easily carved by hand , but on other work time savings of over 90 per cent can be achieved ; 75 per cent is a reasonable average .
10 Petrological observations show excess feldspar in many basaltic lavas which is most easily explained by crystal settling .
11 Brown and white , with long yellow legs ; most easily recognised in flight , which reveals pure white rump and tail and strikingly black and white wing pattern .
12 Should you wish to discuss this with me I may be most easily reached via telephone .
13 In making the choice , the selection conference in the case of the Labour Party , and the constituency executive in the case of the Conservative Party , are not easily moved by pressure from outside and even the leaders of the parties have found it hard to get close friends and political associates nominated .
14 Ruth Elliott as Catherine , Dr Austin Sloper 's daughter , was not easily fooled by suitor Morris Townsend , played by Gerard McMullan , whose presentation was virtually perfect .
15 It is important to note that , in any given society , mating patterns are not easily manipulated by policy and edicts , but change in response to education , socio-cultural processes and aspects of development .
16 HIV is not easily transmitted from person to person except by ‘ high risk ’ activity .
17 Unfortunately , the delicacy of these splendid watercolours is not easily communicated in reproduction : the combine structural rigour with a sensuous lapping of colour .
18 Unfortunately , the delicacy of these splendid watercolours is not easily communicated in reproduction : the combine structural rigour with a sensuous lapping of colour .
19 For many people , some sexual failure , temporary or otherwise , is made worse by the immense current cultural emphasis on passionate sex being the ‘ be all and end all ’ , with the implication of failure if they are not easily roused to orgasm regardless of what else is going on in their lives .
20 Even so , that mixture of emotion and social need , of personal pride and territorial inspiration , which we call honour , is not easily brought to life for young readers .
21 HIV is not easily passed from person to person .
22 it is not easily angered over mud on the floor ,
23 In Hippolyte , independent wind parts in the famous Tonnerre ( Act I scene 4 ) and the enharmonic Trio des Parques ( Act 2 scene 5 ) are wholly editorial ; so are the added oboe lines not easily negotiated on Baroque instruments at the entry of Diana ( Act 1 scene 5 ) and the woodwind in a number of the choruses ( e.g. ‘ Pluton commande ’ , Act 2 scene 3 ) .
24 Because of a steep flight of steps this is not easily negotiated by bicycle .
25 Many couples enter into marriages with the highest intentions , and while the chemistry is most potent the intentions are more easily converted into action .
26 It may be helpful to management to express both stock level and debtors in terms of weeks of sales , giving figures more easily related to company day-to-day operations .
27 It may be helpful to management to express both stock level and debtors in terms of weeks of sales , giving figures more easily related to company day-to-day operations .
28 It is pointed out , for example , that what is of most interest is not pay levels but living standards , and the latter can be more easily influenced through tax and benefit policies .
29 However , among the things which we tend to think of as good there are some few things which are more easily conceived in abstraction from any larger social or natural context and we will expect Moore 's method of isolation to reveal these as the main bearers of intrinsic goodness .
30 One woman in two who worked out said they were more easily aroused after sport , SHE magazine reports — and men said sex was more frequent and satisfying for them , too .
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