Example sentences of "[adv] returned from a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I had only returned from a holiday in Dublin and had n't the price of the airline ticket , so I had to borrow from my mum , ’ said Deirdre , who is the mother of a five-year-old daughter , Emma .
2 They admitted they were told on Saturday that Timothy had not returned from a 250-mile trip from Tilbury in Essex — but they only found the lorry on Monday morning .
3 It lasted only a year ( although there was no divorce until 1957 ) and some time after that Peter Lawford made the mistake of meeting Ava , who 'd just returned from a trip overseas , for a drink in a Hollywood restaurant .
4 I HAVE JUST RETURNED from a trip to Norway , a country I find like an exaggerated version of Scotland — bigger mountains , wider moorland , wilder scenery and more extreme temperatures .
5 He looked as though he had just returned from a Chas'n Dave concert or tied up Hercules the horse in the Steptoe and Son barn .
6 ‘ I have just returned from a holiday in Hungary with my six year old son and I feel I must write to thank you .
7 I write this having just returned from a meeting in Frankfurt of the Council of the Federation of European Credit Management Associations ( FECMA ) .
8 I have just returned from a visit to Bulgaria , and I thought your readers might like to see their spraying equipment .
9 He had just returned from a visit in 1937 to the Government fighting front in Spain .
10 I HAVE JUST returned from a visit to my landlord , Mr Heathcliff .
11 I had just returned from a training stint in Lanzarote .
12 That should guarantee Annadale maximum points in the 1,500 metres , as Lough , who has just returned from a training stint with the GB squad in New Mexico , clocked 3.40.2 … a personal best … at Loughborough on Wednesday night .
13 Particularly when he has just returned from a period of injury .
14 I have just returned from a NATO meeting last week at which we agreed the military strategy that will accompany the strategic concept now agreed , of which Germany is a prominent supporter .
15 Poor had just returned from a week in bed with flu when she was picked to test the trapeze .
16 Two of our ‘ boys ’ have just returned from a week there on a rugby tour .
17 TEENAGE striker Stephen Perkins has just returned from a week 's trial at Stoke City and the Potters have expressed great interest .
18 A group of ornithologists has just returned from an expedition to an arid area in Mexico in which you are keenly interested .
19 From his servants they learned that he and his coachman had not yet returned from a visit to the opera .
20 The kitchen was full of smoke , servants and Sara 's brothers , who had recently returned from a day 's hunting in the mountains and who were getting in everyone 's way by taking their boots off and leaving them to steam before the flames .
21 She has recently returned from a journey in Romania to see the conditions of at least 1,000 children under the age of one , who had contracted AIDS through injections with dirty needles or contaminated blood .
22 They are standing ln for the WRAC Staff Band Who are away on an important engagement in Eastbourne and Who have only recently returned from a tour in BAOR .
23 Audrey , 63 , widely known for roles in Roman Holiday and Breakfast At Tiffany 's , had recently returned from a tour of famine-hit Somalia , representing UN children 's fund UNICEF .
24 The move which was expected to take effect immediately , followed a warning by US Secretary of State James Baker , recently returned from a tour of Russia , Byelarus , Ukraine and Kazakhstan , that the former Soviet republics faced the threat of an imminent social explosion as a result of food shortages .
25 Peter Dimond , a Director of the Tangmere Military Aviation Museum has recently returned from a trip to the USSR and reports he has seen five Hurricanes and at least one P-40 .
26 A GROUP of British students has recently returned from a trip to South America , where they have been researching into the flora and fauna of the Colombian Amazon basin .
27 A group of Scottish Nuclear employees have recently returned from a trip to Khmelnitsky Nuclear Power Station in the Ukraine .
28 I HAVE recently returned from a trip to Italy where I visited the grave of my uncle , Harry Simms , at Bari War Cemetery .
29 David Tindle had recently returned from a visit to Paris where he had seen this painting for the first time .
30 The scientists , recently returned from a visit to the region , detailed how irrigation and agricultural policies — in particular , the Soviet cotton industry — are continuing to destroy what was once the fourth largest area of fresh water in the world .
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