Example sentences of "[adv] told [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The long and complex story is brilliantly told by a relay team of scholars assembled by the Antique Collectors ' Club for this handsomely produced and prodigally illustrated book .
2 He was only told of the burglary last night as he visited his sister , Anne Marie , in Hoddesdon , Herts .
3 Mrs Kemp and her solicitor were refused access to that meeting , and were only told of the outcome some time later .
4 He went into hospital the day before and was only told on the day of the operation it would not go ahead .
5 Jack Cunningham , MP , who was touring the site at the time , was not told of the incident .
6 In one study , the essence of secretions from a female 's armpit were smeared onto the upper lips of other females who , perhaps fortunately , were not told of the origin of the smears .
7 We are not told of the use or otherwise of anaesthetics , nor of any benefits flowing from such research .
8 At first , Hendry was not told of the mystery woman 's mission but was informed when he noticed the beefed-up security at his matches .
9 Again , her family were not told of the seriousness of the condition until a month later and just days defore she died .
10 The Daily Mail stressed that this failed to console the victim 's distraught family , friends and workmates , her MP or the probation service , who were also not told of the killer 's threat .
11 If you are not told of the risk that you run , you might be able to complain of an unfair dismissal if you are sacked following a recurrence of the same conduct .
12 The row deepened with revelations that the BBC board was not told of the tax arrangement and was not aware that the director-general job had not been advertised before Mr Birt was appointed .
13 One angry passenger claimed travellers were not told about the bomb warning .
14 Easily told from the swallow tribe by short tail and long curved wings , as well as by all dark plumage , apart from whitish throat , rather more obvious in juvenile which also has pale tips to wing feathers .
15 Although cylinder manufacturers countered effectively for some decades , first with moulding techniques and later with finer grooves , the overwhelming simplicity of being able to press thousands of copies of disc records and play them on a simple machine eventually told in the disc 's favour .
16 Suppose your client insists on advertising his product on television when you believe his story could be more economically and effectively told in the press .
17 When Sir Bryan Thwaites , chairman of Wessex Regional Health Authority , spoke out during an election about the impossibility of NHS funding keeping up with the expectations of patients and doctors , he was promptly told by the government to keep quiet .
18 Parliament was , however , peremptorily told by the King not to proceed with the matter , because the Company 's affairs were being dealt with by the Crown .
19 The conference was also told about an invention which could curb kidnapping and the illicit sale of Third World babies for adoption .
20 The police were also told about the yacht Ouvéa and its four-man French crew and on 15 July officers flew to Norfolk Island to interrogate them , although Maniguet had left the island for Australia that morning .
21 The central committee meeting was also told by the head of its history department , David Elazar , that ‘ Todor Zhivkov lied about his prominent role in the party 's history and wartime anti-fascist struggle ’ .
22 When Paisley was later told about the woman 's remark , he immediately condemned it and rebuked her , but this made little impression on the basic loyalties of the audience .
23 That is only a part of the story , now told in a book published by the Trust , The Saving of Spitalfields .
24 It was a well-known story among City men and was often told as an example of what used to happen in the bad old days of ten years ago — and what , by implication , could never happen now .
25 The time has come to use test kits more often , and with greater care — and to experiment with Siporax which , we are so regularly told by the distributor , can deal with nitrites and nitrates .
26 Ms Armstrong — who was once reportedly told by the TV station 's management : ‘ Put a coat hanger in your gob and smile more ’ — said she was not retiring , .
27 I was frequently told of the necessity for study overseas in order to do anything worthwhile in the academic field because facilities in China were so ‘ backward ’ .
28 She says she was never even told of the risk .
29 ‘ I was n't even told about the wedding because he was largely under pressure , in a corner d' you see .
30 ‘ I know nothing of this part of the world except for the tales sometimes told in the hall about the mountains . ’
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