Example sentences of "[adv] high degree of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This provides the reason why it was once extensively cultivated in the Aube , where its more southerly location and lack of limestone subsoil sometimes renders wines lacking the desirably high degree of acidity required for classic Champagnes .
2 In a report published in July 1991 the OECD found that " the economies of the old federal Länder … have exhibited a remarkably high degree of resilience and strength , combining faster growth with maintenance of low inflation , while the five new Länder have gone through a period of severe adjustment , involving in its initial stage heavy output and employment losses " .
3 However , when observed over long periods , many species are found to be generalist in that individuals of them are capable of taking advantage of ‘ specialist ’ interactions at any one time : the ‘ anachronisms ’ show this , as do the generalized pollinators on islands where plants have ‘ left their pollinators behind ’ , e.g. a cetoniid beetle , Mauseolopsis aldabrensis , visits 58% of all flowering species , native or introduced , of all colours and morphology , on the coral atoll of Aldabra off the African coast , but it shows a remarkably high degree of constancy in its foraging flights .
4 It is clear that the obligation not to use or disclose information may cover secret processes of manufacture such as chemical formulae , or designs or special methods of construction , and other information which is of a sufficiently high degree of confidentiality as to amount to a business secret .
5 The Rottweiler with a naturally high degree of sharpness , without any form of training should be considered undesirable .
6 Neste Chemicals has developed a new polypropylene grade with an extremely high degree of clarity .
7 Hence , a regime of compulsory labour service and state distribution of workers … already shows a comparatively high degree of organisation throughout the entire apparatus …
8 Simple procedures such as backing up data on a regular basis , getting a fire safe , or storing master disks off-site offer a relatively high degree of protection .
9 Perhaps the greatest quality characteristic possessed by vines grown in Champagne is the ability to produce ripe grapes with a relatively high degree of acidity .
10 This pattern , which has also been a feature of aspects of Spanish policy-making since the return to democracy , contrasts with the relatively high degree of continuity , particularly on railway investment policy , of other countries .
11 The main advantage of elicitation procedures is that they give a relatively high degree of control over areas of linguistic ability which are being assessed .
12 At the end of some years of this ding-dong invention and counter-invention , the current version of both the missile and its antidote will have attained a very high degree of sophistication .
13 In Andrews v DPP Lord Atkin defined gross negligence as " a very high degree of negligence " or recklessness .
14 Since even the best attested fact of the history of the past can possess no more than a very high degree of probability and since , by definition , Christian and indeed all religious faith must from the believer 's point of view be absolutely certain and secure , can faith ever be said to depend upon an historical fact , no matter how well established ?
15 Here then we have in a nutshell the substance of the whole primatial claim succinctly summarized ; and when we find similar phrases in the documents of Popes Boniface V , Honorius I , Sergius I , and Gregory III , which came to light in 1120 , we can say with a very high degree of probability that these sentences contain the main substance of the additions made to the documents in which they appear .
16 Interpreting , particularly of the simultaneous kind , calls for a very high degree of skill .
17 A consequence of seeing rules in this way is that a very high degree of consensus concerning the rule is to be expected among members cf the group or sub-culture in which the rule applies .
18 Above all , Westminster enjoys a very high degree of support and interest among British voters , and it thus preserves the authority of the political system as a whole : ‘ The extent to which Parliament has served to maintain support for the political system constitutes one of the most fascinating aspects of the institution in the British political system , .
19 There is no way in which a vision of the future can be developed among a group of people unless those people have a very high degree of mutuality of respect , tolerance , and above all humour .
20 Historical evidence would suggest that American and French sign languages began to go their separate ways in 1816 , when French Sign Language was imported with the French deaf teacher Clerc ; one would therefore expect a very high degree of similarity , as 1816 is very recent in glottochronological terms , and the percentage of cognate signs should be over 90 per cent .
21 This suggests a very high degree of similarity in the mental structure that is brought to bear on the input by language learners and in the strategies that they employ in constructing and progressively modifying their internal grammar .
22 Perhaps I could er answer that in er I think there are probably four points that er come out to my mind erm the first one in the airframe engine combination , a very high degree of agility .
23 Skinner argued that behaviour occurs as a function of previous experiences and that , given a clear understanding of the contingent relations between the environment and a specific behaviour in the past , it is possible to predict , with a very high degree of accuracy , the conditions under which that behaviour will occur in the future .
24 Detailed analysis of the monitor has enabled its colour response to be predicted to a very high degree of accuracy .
25 Video footage taken both from the ground and from attacking allied aircraft suggested that the cruise missiles and the laser-guided bombs used by the allies were capable of a very high degree of accuracy .
26 said in In re A. [ 1992 ] Fam. 106 that a very high degree of intolerability must be established in order to bring into operation article 13 ( b ) .
27 Chomsky points out that the principles of operant conditioning were originally derived from experimental studies of animals , in which the ex-perimenter could achieve a very high degree of control over variables which were presumed to influence behaviour .
28 ‘ If a bank manager saw fit to show me round a vault containing safe deposits and I found a gold bracelet on the floor , I should have no doubt that the bank had a better title than I , and the reason is the manifest intention to exercise a very high degree of control .
29 This very high degree of risk has been maintained for a long time as many studies over the past thirty years have shown .
30 To read in such a small bar code successfully requires a very high degree of resolution .
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