Example sentences of "[adv] high level of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Much of this argumentation is , of course , concerned with very broad states of language , and , as I have pointed out , can apply only at a rather high level of generality , because it is likely that in EModE , as in PresE , there were varying conditioned allophones of /a/ ( perhaps some front and some back , or some low and some low-mid ) .
2 The reason for this is that Field 's New Tribe is imbued with the rather vague mission of transmitting ‘ Western techniques ’ to traditional societies and although this opens the door to many fascinating details about the structures of culture contact , it is at a rather high level of generality for explanatory purposes and it seriously underplays the role of the classes responsible for capitalist expansionism .
3 In this sense , and at a rather high level of abstraction , the very possibility within discourse of a historically located cultural field , marked by internally contradictory relations and hence by particularly difficult questions of causation and explanation , is part of the problematic of bourgeois society ; that is , it is internal to , and historically related to , a particular historical-social stage ( see Burke 1981 ) .
4 Emotional isolation is also manifested in a rather high level of insecurity in the relationships between husbands and wives .
5 Now I have been digressing and let me say quite clearly that I never knew the answer and I do not know it now , how the tremendously high level of morale was sustained , not just in the Pathfinders , but throughout the Command as a whole .
6 It is not difficult to show that even an apparently high level of detail in a criterion does not specify the test items unequivocally .
7 Adults are at least able to acquire , even though this may not be at a sufficiently high level of competence .
8 The dynamic process generating endogenous economies of scale leads exchanges to compete by being first off the mark in a particular contract so as to achieve a sufficiently high level of trading , and consequently liquidity , and thereby low transactions costs for the traders in that contract .
9 I suspect that your desire to write a letter about beating children reflects an especially high level of interest in the subject .
10 Glass says he has a naturally high level of production .
11 This is especially true if you are playing a sport such as squash , where an extremely high level of stamina is needed right from the very beginning .
12 Hamburg enjoys an extremely high level of film subsidy - approximately £6 million a year , or three times the sum available in Britain .
13 Why , given the extremely high level of unemployment , was the government constantly making public its efforts in the training area ?
14 The cost of land drainage or irrigation , buildings and other fixed capital equipment , machinery and livestock means that a farm business has an extremely high level of capitalisation relative to the returns which can be obtained .
15 We are committed to improving the already extremely high level of railway safety .
16 The Faculty has an extremely high level of research activity , and is one of the largest recipients in Britain of ESRC and other Research Council funds .
17 A special innovation in both mammals and birds was homoiothermy , warm-bloodedness , which allows a constantly high level of activity that is not dependent upon the temperature of the environment .
18 In the United Kingdom many midwives , obstetricians , and mothers would consider this an unacceptably high level of intervention in an otherwise normal physiological process .
19 The location was unusual : the consulting room of a medical specialist where I was to learn the cause of the unacceptably high level of pain from which my sister has suffered for the past five years .
20 Because , perhaps surprisingly to its critics , the survey reveals lawyers are achieving an impressively high level of client satisfaction .
21 This may help them assess the range of teaching quality within the school , on the assumption that a generally high level of provision across the week for a given class will tend to produce better attendance and vice versa .
22 This found not only a generally high level of support for the police , but that this spread throughout the class structure ( indeed was marginally higher in the working class ) .
23 Indeed , it is undoubtedly the Wolfenden Committee who were responsible for the generally high level of debate concerning reform of the law in this area in the following eight or nine years .
24 It appears that this procedure is rarely used because of the ignorance and fear of disgruntled clients and because there appears to be a generally high level of satisfaction with the services provided .
25 One word of warning though : if you are someone whose daily life involves a strong competitive element , you would do well to avoid too much in the way of competitive sport ( squash , tennis and so on ) as your form of exercise as these will only tend to maintain an already high level of stress .
26 What in general can not be claimed for him is a specially high level of distinction as a designer .
27 We therefore begin , in Chapter 2 , by examining the argument frequently put forward that the new technology is leading to wholesale job destruction and hence a permanently high level of unemployment .
28 De Klerk declared that the point had now been reached when the " remaining vestiges of violence could be countered with the ordinary laws of the land " , except in Natal , where the " destruction of human life and property " and what he described as the " exceptionally high level of intimidation which exists there " had " assumed shocking proportions " and needed to be countered " by the strongest means available " .
29 the late development of Italian industry and the fragmented character of the labour market , the traditionally high level of unemployment , the very political orientation of the Italian labour movement , particularly of CGIL [ the major federation ] giving great importance to the unity of the working class … and to the pursuit of general goals by the unions .
30 In the pre-robotised days the job had a number of characteristics which job design experts would have recognised as leading to a reasonably high level of job satisfaction .
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