Example sentences of "[adv] coming to [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For an eleven year old schoolgirl , it 's not easy coming to terms with having a plastic eye .
2 Either side of the Refuge , time closed in , with meetings , the children to be looked after , books to be read , until she felt light-headed with the sense of not coming to grips with anything , of being forced to spin like a top .
3 At the time , Lineker was just coming to terms with the fact that his baby son , George , was battling against leukaemia .
4 When Diana joined the Stewart-Richardsons they were just coming to terms with a family tragedy .
5 I suppose that I was influenced by the exploits of the great test pilots of the day , people like Peter Twiss , Neville Duke and John Derry , who were at the time just coming to grips with high-speed flight and what was called the ‘ sound-barrier ’ .
6 Some sort of dress rehearsal was clearly required for the Cypriot police officers who were only just coming to grips with wiretap technology , and , right on cue , one of Hurley 's informants passed the word that Abou Daod , a Lebanese drugs trafficker , was coming to Cyprus to set up a deal .
7 After many years and three gardens , the optimism is going well ; I still battle with my impatience , but I am finally coming to grips with giving the essentials of sustenance to the garden .
8 The pre-tax figure was above City expectations and gave evidence that the bank is finally coming to grips with its bad-debt problem .
9 ONE OF two sprawling films ( Heimat being the other ) that marked Germany finally coming to terms with the war , relatively free of guilt .
10 Fortunately , ex-Prisoner James Taylor is aware of the problem and is finally coming to terms with it after five albums of patchy solo meanderings .
11 Fortunately , ex-Prisoner James Taylor is aware of the problem and is finally coming to terms with it after five albums of patchy solo meanderings .
12 The public and the teenage press were , in fact , already coming to terms with the punks , but these skins knew that no one could accept their brand of deliberate , mindless , gang violence .
13 The larger companies are already coming to terms with the new regulations .
14 But they , like the third Limerick club dominating the league — Young Munster — are only gradually coming to terms with the demands for 15-man attacking play .
15 Couples , second in the Sony rankings to Faldo , is still coming to terms with the adulation heaped on him after Augusta but is prepared to run the gauntlet again if it means winning a second Major .
16 The holiday was particularly useful for children who are still coming to terms with their conditions and may have been robbed of their self-confidence .
17 Woking , who knocked out West Brom two seasons ago , are still coming to terms with their first season in the Conference , but their Cup-fighting instincts are sure to resurface for their trip to Brighton .
18 This is when the pupil is still coming to terms with using a low vision aid and is not yet skilful in its use , but needs to read text and notes that are too advanced in content to be available in the large print of junior and early reading books .
19 ‘ We are , he said , at the initial stages , still coming to terms with what we need to do . ’
20 The local community is still coming to terms with the loss of the Trident contract four months ago .
21 Today at an emergency meeting with Union Leaders to discuss their future , they were still coming to terms with the shock of redundancy .
22 They 're still coming to terms with it .
23 Perhaps the teenage scribblers — not to mention the longer-in-the-tooth City commentators who helped to orchestrate last year 's departure of Robert Horton as BP 's chairman and chief executive — are still coming to terms with Financial Reporting Standard No 3 , the new format recommended by the Stock Exchange for presenting details of financial performance .
24 Mrs Adams said her four sons — Richard , nine , Stuart , five , Mark , two , and Thomas , 11 months — were still coming to terms with the loss of their father , a former Royal Air Force engineer whom she described as a happy , family man .
25 Staff are still coming to terms with the decision to close the main part of the Junction factory within two years , making 100 workers redundant .
26 Now Giggs is quickly coming to terms with the facts of life .
27 The word processing market is rapidly coming to terms with desktop publishing , particularly on the PC .
28 Since they have been in Brazil things have not been easy but they have settled in well and are slowly coming to terms with the language .
29 She is slowly coming to terms with her past and exorcising the ghosts .
30 It is well known that the Princess wanted ‘ out ’ of the Royal Family , but to her fellow passengers it was also clear she is only now coming to terms with the fact that she really is out — and quite alone .
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