Example sentences of "[adv] to say [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For that is not necessarily to say that the Consumers ' Movement 's treatment of production as incidental to its interests was , on a strategic view of the objectives of Co-operation , right .
2 Perhaps this is merely to say that the pluralist has a theory of language , whereas the monist does not .
3 It is not enough to say that the compiler has inserted a story that once had a quite independent existence .
4 To them it is not good enough to say that the idea of a god has ‘ great psychological appeal ’ .
5 But I do actually , I do actually think it 's fair enough to say that the parish council can be , and should be , more clear , more direct in telling people what it 's doing .
6 The kinship evoked of human adult reactions in such circumstances , remembering our previous analysis of recognition , would be reason enough to say that the dog noticed the workmen and did n't like what it saw ; albeit a ‘ thin ‘ attribution .
7 Derek Johns of Sheffield writes in to say that a company that has a rare new species named after it could find its share price sensitive to any environmental news .
8 Elizabeth came down to say that the bed was warm , so Jonadab and his younger son helped George upstairs .
9 But this is not to say that no management is possible , and that the idea is best dropped .
10 This is not to say that a management buy-out is not arm 's length in most respects .
11 That is not to say that a circumstance includes all such conditions of the effect .
12 This is not to say that a don must affect mannerisms or artificial eccentricities as a way of keeping his distance from the pupil — though many have done this .
13 This is not to say that a preference for one style or the other is inappropriate ; it is to recognise that both are still in their infancy and neither one markedly superior to the other in all respects .
14 This is not to say that a statute might not assign the relative meaning of ‘ if X , ’ as between courts and tribunals , differently in diverse areas .
15 This is not to say that a science and technological education had to take on this character , for clearly there were and always have been those who are committed to inspiring in students a love of , and a care for , their subjects in those disciplines .
16 Males take more rabbits , and females more fish and small mammals , but this is not to say that a female ca n't kill a rabbit or that a male wo n't kill mice .
17 This is not to say that a series like Follow Me can not be used in the classroom , but it is organised in a different way from materials like Let's Watch or Video English which were made specifically for classroom use .
18 This is not to say that every idea for reform is mistaken .
19 This is not to say that the child or young person is always right ; it is , perhaps , to say that he or she is seldom completely wrong .
20 This is not to say that the school made no advances in this area .
21 This is not to say that the letters can be left to speak for themselves .
22 This is , undoubtedly , an important precursor of rational service-level planning , although it is not to say that the service infrastructure will necessarily develop from individual service plans .
23 This is not to say that the service role which has been adopted resolves tension between team members or their management .
24 This is not to say that the share of overseas assets reached a peak in 1989 Q4 ; it simply implies that the conditions for investment are relatively free in that any remaining controls can be thought of as prudential rather than prohibitive .
25 This is not to say that the range of powers thus exercised need be comprehensive .
26 That is not to say that the Minister has not left questions unanswered , not least the one just put to him by my hon. Friend the Member for Islington , North ( Mr. Corbyn ) .
27 This is not to say that the position is wrong but only that it is arguable , or in other words , open to conceptual evaluation .
28 Not to say that the map is too small ; quite the opposite , in fact .
29 Closing the perceived gap between the UK and the US and Japan , which are believed to be three years ahead , is another aim — though that is not to say that the UK is trailing in all areas .
30 This is not to say that the mornings and evenings were devoid of expresses , or indeed interest .
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